Expanding the previous answers to padding an existing string

-----using Alex Tweedly's format answer--------------------

get "the subject is padding"  --or get space   --or get empty
put 63 into limit 
put char 1 to limit of (it & format("%" & limit & "s", " ")) into myRecord
put myRecord & "("&the number of chars in myRecord &")"

---- using the Barncard solution  ----------------------

get "the subject is padding"
put multiChar( it ,space,96) into myRecord
  put myRecord & "("&the number of chars in myRecord &")"

function multiChar pRecord ,pChar,pRecLen
  return char 1 to pRecLen of (pRecord & format("%" & pRecLen & "s", pChar))
end multiChar

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On 10/26/07 9:14 AM, "Alex Tweedly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Len Morgan wrote:
>> While I'm at it, if I DO have to create a string of <record length>
>> first, how do I create a string of spaces <record length> long?
> put format("%396s", " ") into myRecord
> or
> put format("%" & numSpaces & "s", " ") into myRecord

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