I put up a "proof-of-concept" Revolution Online Open Dictionary.

Functionally it is like the MySQL & PHP open dictionaries - a simple page per term with user comments. Users can also edit the term definition itself.

I spent very little time, so a lot is not working yet, just thought I'd see what everyone thought so far...

Try these things:
1. typing a word in the search box in the upper right (then click on the term in the list you want to see) - nifty, eh? :-)

2. add a test comment to a term (quick and easy!)

3. in a project you're working on, insert a script into the front that takes the mouseChunk and adds "http://revcoders.org/"; in front, then goes to that URL, such as:


so you can jump instantly to a term from scripting - cool, eh?

4. go to:


log in with:
username = revcoder
password = revcoder

Click "Write" or "Manage" and see how easy it is to add new posts, etc. (try it with Firefox)

Now that you are logged in, go back to the site, there is an Edit button at the bottom of every post.

Try it out.

(Firefox gives you the Javascript editor, Safari does not)

1. For those people wanting a solution built in Revolution, the database is open to all, so you could easily import comments posted on the site into the Rev doc browser (like the BVG/Andre one) with a simple SELECT statement, and add Revolution originated comments with INSERT - it's just a simple MySQL database.

2. Heather gave me a provisional OK just for you folks to peruse the site, if you like the site I will have to ask for permission from the Revolution folks.

3. Check out the PHP online docs
(example: http://docs.php.net/manual/en/function.urlencode.php)

Notice all those handy comments and code snippets under the definition!

4. Comments could also be used to point people towards resources, like articles and stacks the many gurus here have toiled mightily on under a "further resources" section for each term

5. The site doesn't need to be limited to just terms and definitions- there can be articles, tutorial movies, many other possibilities

6. Of course all this is moot unless the Rev luminaries give it their blessing and plan to participate. I pledge to do my best to implement any functionality many people request, you will be amazed at how easy it is to implement many features

7. the server is 99.9% uptime, it is a dedicated server at The Planet, connection to all major net backbones, yada yada, you can depend on it, we run our main website (and many others) from it for years

8. For Revolution, I think (along with the list) it would be one more thing to show potential users that there is a large, supportive community

Anyway, there you have it.

Looking forward to your comments.

On Oct 23, 2007, at 2:37 PM, Josh Mellicker wrote:

Perhaps it's a good idea to "take a page from" the PHP doc:


It's like a wiki, where there's the "official" explanation at the top, then a lot of very helpful examples, code snippets and comments below from the community on each page.

I could whip something like this up in a few hours or so that would be ready to add comments to.

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