Useful Thing-

WebKey 2000

This convenient program allows you to assign specific attributes to keyboard keys to 
open an URL in
your default browser, open email templates or open just about any program you have on 
your computer.
Each assigned command is customizable.

Here's the author's description of the program-
"One-touch access to your favorite websites
One-touch access to your email templates
One-touch access to your documents (even with shortcuts)
Execute almost anything using your keyboard
Open almost anything using your keyboard
Launch almost anything using your keyboard "

The file is 266K and can be found here-

Program requirements:
Systems: 486 or higher
Platforms: Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000
Memory: About 1.5 MB (350 KB when minimized)
Disk Space: Less than 500 KB
Keyboard: Standard 101/102-Key

Ben Cooper
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