Useful Thing-

Hello, everyone,

First, an announcement. This will be the last issue of Useful Things that I write. 
I've decided to
move on to other interests.
However, this will NOT be the final issue of Useful Things. Coming soon to your email 
box will be an
important announcement about the Useful Things list. I guarantee you won't be 
Thanks to all of you for remaining subscribed. I hope you found at least some of the 
programs I
recommended useful.
It's been fun! : )
Now, on to this week's Useful Thing...


WinPatrol is useful for keeping track of all those startup programs, active tasks and 
cookies. Why, it even features a domain lookup utility ( which includes a feature that 
gives a quick
list of available domain name servers ). WinPatrol will actively monitor your computer 
in the
background and notify you when a new startup program or cookie has been added to your 
Another nice feature is the ability to have WinPatrol automatically delete the cookies 
you tell it
you don't want to remain on your hard drive.
All in all this is a program you're sure to appreciate.

What the WinPatrol site says about the program-
"WinPatrol was created in response to an increase of password sniffers which can now 
be embedded in
E-Mail, text documents and even on Web pages. It's just too easy for hackers to 
violate our personal
space and damage your data. A little healthy paranoia of the internet and WinPatrol 
quickly grew
into a multi-function system monitor for the personal computer. The secret to keeping 
your computer
clean and healthy is Scotty the Windows Watch Dog from BillP Studios. If you want to 
know which
programs are running on your computer and where they came from WinPatrol is for you."

The file is 733K and can be found here-

Program requirements:
Nothing special

Ben Cooper
U-T archives -
U-T website -

'Bye everybody!

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