I am asking this because the only case where I see IP swap can occur is
when two Cassandra nodes are running on the same K8S host node. I am
evaluating how safe it is two run two Cassandra nodes on a single K8S host

*Totally Agree that swap is not the right word but one node still taking
other nodes IP*


On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 10:07 AM manish khandelwal <
manishkhandelwa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> But again if
> Some Cassandra node (pod) with particular IP X is down,
> Second Cassandra node (pod) tries to take the IP X of first Cassandra node,
> Second Cassandra node should fail to join the cluster as the Cassandra
> cluster will complain that IP X is already occupied.
> In that sense actual swap of IPs can occur between two nodes and data
> issues should not occur.
> I am asking this because the only case where I see IP swap can occur is
> when two Cassandra nodes are running on the same K8S host node. I am
> evaluating how safe it is two run two Cassandra nodes on a single K8S host
> node.
> Regards
> Manish
> On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 9:01 AM Christopher Bradford <bradfor...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> In *most* k8s environments each Kubernetes worker receives its own
>> dedicated CIDR range from the cluster’s CIDR space for allocating pod IP
>> addresses. The issue described can occur when a k8s worker goes down then
>> comes back up and the pods are rescheduled where either pod starts up with
>> another pods previously used IP.
>> They don’t necessarily have to swap 1:1 (ie one pod could use the other’s
>> previous address while that pod receives a new address). Additionally it’s
>> not a race condition of which container starts first. The k8s scheduler and
>> kubelet daemon assign IPs to pods.
>> On Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at 11:14 PM manish khandelwal <
>> manishkhandelwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I have started reading about how to deploy Cassandra with K8S. But as I
>>>> read more I feel there are a lot of challenges in running Cassandra on K8s.
>>>> Some of the challenges which I feel are
>>>> 1. POD IPs identification - If the pods go down and when they come up
>>>> their IPs change, how is it handled as we are dependent on IPs of Cassandra
>>>> nodes for internode as well client server communication.
>>> Strictly safe to change an IP to an IP that is unused.
>>> Strictly unsafe to use an IP that's already in the cluster (so if two
>>> pods go down, having the first pod that comes up grab the IP of the second
>>> pod is strictly dangerous and will violate consistency and maybe lose
>>> data).
>>> *For point 2 (Strictly unsafe to use an IP) , if the first pod grabs the
>>> IP of the second node then it should not be able to join the cluster.*
>>> *So can IPs still be swapped?  *
>>> *When and how this IP swap can occur?*
>>> Regards
>>> Manish
>>> On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 10:40 PM Jeff Jirsa <jji...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 10:01 AM manish khandelwal <
>>>> manishkhandelwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I have started reading about how to deploy Cassandra with K8S. But as
>>>>> I read more I feel there are a lot of challenges in running Cassandra on
>>>>> K8s. Some of the challenges which I feel are
>>>>> 1. POD IPs identification - If the pods go down and when they come up
>>>>> their IPs change, how is it handled as we are dependent on IPs of 
>>>>> Cassandra
>>>>> nodes for internode as well client server communication.
>>>> Strictly safe to change an IP to an IP that is unused.
>>>> Strictly unsafe to use an IP that's already in the cluster (so if two
>>>> pods go down, having the first pod that comes up grab the IP of the second
>>>> pod is strictly dangerous and will violate consistency and maybe lose
>>>> data).
>>>>> 2. A K8S node can host  a single pod. This is being done so that even
>>>>> if the host goes down we have only one pod down case. With multiple pods 
>>>>> on
>>>>> a single host there is a risk of traffic failures as consistency might not
>>>>> be achieved. But if we keep two pods of the same rack on a single host 
>>>>> then
>>>>> are we safe or is there  any unknown risk?
>>>> This sounds like you're asking if rack aware snitches protect you from
>>>> concurrent pods going down. Make sure you're using a rack aware snitch.
>>>>> 3. Seed discovery? Again as an extension of point 1, since IPs can
>>>>> change, how we can manage seeds.
>>>> Either use DNS instead of static IPs, or use a seed provider that
>>>> handles IPs changing.
>>>>> 4. Also I read a lot of use of Cassandra operators for maintaining a
>>>>> Cassandra cluster on Kubernetes. I think that Cassandra Operator is like a
>>>>> robot (automated admin) which works and acts like a norma admin will work.
>>>>> I want to understand that how important is Cassandra operator and what if
>>>>> we go on to production without one?
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Manish
>>>> --
>> Christopher Bradford

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