Hi Paul,

make the line

<result property="pnoticeCompanyNo" column="P_NOTICE_COMPANY_NO" javaType="long"


<result property="pnoticeCompanyNo" column="P_NOTICE_COMPANY_NO" javaType="long"
jdbcType="INTEGER" nullValue="0"/>

This is ridiculous, I know.  I have also wasted so much time on this thing 
before.  But the issue
is since it is a privimitive type and if the sql returns a NULL it throws an 


Prashanth Sukumaran.

--- Paul Glezen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I'm having trouble with a query for a Product class that has an attribute
> named "pNoticeComanyNumber."
> --------- Begin Error Message ----------
> 12:11:34:895 ERROR ibatis.IbatisProductMaintenance - SQL error:
> --- The error occurred in productMap.xml.
> --- The error occurred while applying a result map.
> --- Check the Product.getProductResult.
> --- The error happened while setting a property on the result object.
> --- Cause: com.ibatis.common.beans.ProbeException: There is no WRITEABLE
> property named 'pNoticeCompanyNo' in class 'xyz.ProductEntityBean'
> --------- End Error Message ------------
> I've checked to verify the attribute exists and is indeed writable (a
> public setter exists).  Of about 20 attributes, four of them have capitals
> in the second letter.  And it's only these four attributes that give me
> grief.  If I don't include these attributes in my result map, my query
> works fine.
> I tried changing the name from "pNoticeCompanyNo" to "pnoticedCompanyNo"
> (along with the gettings/setters).  My error message changes to:
> --------- Begin Error Message ----------
> com.ibatis.common.jdbc.exception.NestedSQLException:
> --- The error occurred in productMap.xml.
> --- The error occurred while applying a result map.
> --- Check the Product.getProductResult.
> --- The error happened while setting a property on the result object.
> --- Cause: com.ibatis.common.exception.NestedRuntimeException: Error
> setting properties of '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.  Cause:
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
>       at
>       at
>       at
>       at
>       at
> com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.impl.SqlMapSessionImpl.queryForObject(SqlMapSessionImpl.java:93)
>       at
> com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.impl.SqlMapClientImpl.queryForObject(SqlMapClientImpl.java:70)
> --------- End Error Message ------------
> Here is a snippet from my result map.
> <result property="pnoticeCompanyNo" column="P_NOTICE_COMPANY_NO" javaType=
> "long" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
> I get the error whether or not I include the javaType or jdbcTypes
> attribues.  I wish the error message would indicate which property is
> giving trouble.  It took a lot of trial and error to determine it was
> stumbling on the pNoticeCompanyNo attribute.
> My environment is:
> iBatis:  Build Date: 2005/07/17 20:58
>          Build Number: 582
>          2.1.5 - July 17, 2005
> DB:      Oracle 9i
> JVM:     IBM 1.4.2
> OS:      WinXP
> Paul

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