
I am using the same and suspect that the problem you are experiencing is with the proc.
try this is sqlplus

set timing on
var results refcursor;
exec your_procedure( your_params, :results ); -- for a procedure
exec :results := your_function( your_params ); -- for a function
print :results;

I am curious how long the  print :results takes.

This time should closely match what you are seeing with your JDBC call (assuming you run both from the same machine).

I assume your refcursor is defined selecting  non-lob or cursor types and you are not building it on the fly in a loop.

Mike Fagan

Rao, Satish wrote:
Hi Mike
We are using Oracle 9i and I am using ojdbc14.jar. But my classpath also has classes12.jar. I removed classes12.jar, but that did not make any difference.
What Oracle version and driver are you using?
Also I am using "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" as my driver classname and database URL is jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:port:sid
I don't believe there are any other settings required.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Fagan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: Performance issue with CustomTypeHandler

Rao, Satish wrote:
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the prompt response.
If we run the PL/SQL via SQL Plus, we don't experience the same delay (there are about a million records in the database)
As far as the database is concerned, we don't have much insight into the configuration. Can you please provide me a list of possible database parameters that we need to take a look at?
Please note that even though there are a few thousand rows we always fetch only 10 records. In other words, the cursor should have only 10 records at any point in time.
I debugged the code and here's the behavior I see. Do you see a similar pattern?
1. Procedure executes
2. control gets transferred to RefCursorHandler (for OUT parameter of ORACLECURSOR jdbcType). The following statement gets called         
                this.result = (ResultSet)arg0.getObject();
3. next, ResultGetterImpl getObject() gets called. The following statement within that method gets executed
                return rs.getObject(index);
4. next, CallableStatementResultSet getObject(int columnIndex) gets called.
5. next, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement gets called (At this point it takes a long time) and I can see NetSocket statements.
Does it mean the statement is making a call to the database again? Assuming it is fetching data from the cursor, there should be only 10 records in the cursor and it shouldn't be taking that long. Do you think it is looping thru thousands of records again?
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Fagan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: Performance issue with CustomTypeHandler


I am also using oracle ref cursors and do not see the delay you are experiencing.

Has something possibly changed in your database and the delay you see is really in the pl/sql?

Mike Fagan

Rao, Satish wrote:
Is anyone facing a similar issue. Please suggest.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rao, Satish
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 1:44 PM
Subject: Performance issue with CustomTypeHandler

I am using ORACLECURSOR in my sqlmap and using the following TypeHandler code.

Here’s the sqlmap entry
                <parameter property="offerRS" jdbcType="ORACLECURSOR" javaType="java.sql.ResultSet" mode="OUT" typeHandler="RefCursorHandler"/>

And here's the handler code
public class RefCursorHandler implements TypeHandlerCallback {

        public Object getResult(ResultGetter arg0) throws SQLException {

                this.result = (ResultSet)arg0.getObject();
                return this.result;

The statement (ResultSet)arg0.getObject(); takes a long time to return (even for 2 rows).

Do you see any issue with the code?
I debugged this and eventually found that the above statement calls the following method within CallableStatementResultSet

  public Object getObject(int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
    return cs.getObject(columnIndex);

This in turn calls OracleCallableStatement. This part takes a long time to return.

I am using thin driver.

Please suggest. I need to get this resolved ASAP.


Yes, It is talking to oracle and I beleive it is now actually executing the cursor reference it returned to you.
If you are using the thin driver make sure you have the latest version.
I am puzzed why is runs slower in JDBC than SQL Plus, unless there are some user or complex oracle object defined in the cursor or character conversion is happening across the wire.

Mike Fagan

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