I am trying to introduce iBatis into our current architecture to simplify the DAO layer.
We currently use a SLSB as a Session Facade that may contact a DAO EJB (really a Transfer Object Assembler) and it contacts individual DAOs (written with JDBC) to create composite Transfer Objects.  Transactions are controlled and created in the Session Facade.  How do I configure this in the sql map config file?  I want to use JNDI as the way to retrieve a Data Source...
for instance:
    <transactionManager type="EXTERNAL">
        <property name="SetAutoCommitAllowed" value="false"/>
        <dataSource type="JNDI">
            <property value="DataSource" name="java:comp/env/jdbc/fooDb"/>
I am not sure if the type is EXTERNAL, JDBC, or JTA.
Also, if I utilize the Pet Store as an example, I have a certain process that loads an excel spreadsheet into three separate tables in three separate schemas.  Should I have three different DAOs that are specific to each schema?  So when I create classes like the Service classes in the example, they can return a DaoManager specific to the Data Source?
Thanks for your help...I am trying my best to demo this technology in our architecture to simply this layer.
jay blanton

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