I have two lists that I need to iterate in order in build my SQL statement.  I would like to know how I would go about in doing that using iBatis.
I have 2 list:
partitionList=[01, 02];
IDList=[10001, 10002];
Basically it should look like this:
SELECT DISTINCT NVL(attr_display_name, attr_column_name) as NAME, attr_display_order as ORDER_VALUE"
        + " FROM md_attr_list_"
        + partitionList[0]
        + " where zeid = "
        + IDList[0] + " and resultset_id = 1";
SELECT DISTINCT NVL(attr_display_name, attr_column_name) as NAME, attr_display_order as ORDER_VALUE"
        + " FROM md_attr_list_"
        + partitionList[1]
        + " where zeid = "
        + IDList[1] + " and resultset_id = 1";
I should be using the iterate tag but how can I iterate over 2 lists?  The list will always be the same size.  I believe I can do this using by iterating a list of beans which contains a value for each of the list.  However, I don't want to create 30 beans if I have 30 items in my lists.


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