Nope, I think there is something else going on here...iBATIS is not
changing your if it says "jobduedate=?" then that is what is
in the SQL map.

How are you building the application?


On 7/11/06, Fred Janon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Ted,

Thanks for the suggestion, I looked at the link you mentioned, but I
don't think that's the issue. It looks like iBatis doesn't even generatr
the correct statement if the log is correct:

PreparedStatement: update jobs      set clientid=?, summary=?,
jobduedate=?    where jobid=?

In this statement, "jobduedate=?" should actually genarated as
"jobduedate=str_to_date(?, '%d/%m/%Y')" I think.

I hope someone gives me a pointer here, I have the suspicion that iBatis
just replaces the right hand side of the '=' by '?' and ignores the
actual RHS expression.


Ted Schrader wrote:
> Hi Fred,
> Does mySQL allow place holders inside of functions for JDBC?  For
> example:
> update jobs
>     set clientid=?, summary=?, jobduedate=str_to_date(?)
> where jobid=?
> I ran into a similar problem with DB2 on the AS400/iSeries/i5.  Check
> out the last entry on
> Ted
> On 08/07/06, Fred Janon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to convert a string containing a date in the format dd/month/year
>> into a mySQL date format (YYYY/mm/dd) in an update statement. I tried:
>>   <mapped-statement name="saveJob">
>>     update jobs
>>         set clientid=#clientId#, summary=#summary#,
>> jobduedate=str_to_date(#dueDate#, '%d/%m/%Y')
>>             where jobid=#id#
>>   </mapped-statement>
>> but it doesn't work or even generate an error, it jut stores 0000/00/00
>> in the my SQL DB. I enabled DEBUG on SQL statements and  apparently the
>> generated statement by iBatis is:
>> PreparedStatement: update jobs      set clientid=?, summary=?,
>> jobduedate=?    where jobid=?
>> Parameters: [2, Yellow banner 7, 10/10/2000, 3]
>> No sign of my function call at all.
>> Is there a way to get my function call working?
>> Thanks
>> Fred

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