All connectins and transactions are managed using thread local
storage, so each thread has it's own connection, etc..


On 2/7/07, Abdullah Kauchali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As I understand it, SqlMapClientImpl (SqlMapClient) hides or wraps the primary 
JDBC object, Connection.  So, we can essentially do everything with 
SqlMapClient that we can with JDBC's Connection object (including starting, 
commiting or aborting transactions).  However, with iBatis, we don't have to 
explicitly manage the life times of the Connection objects as we have to with 
JDBC's Connection object.  That's groovy.  :)

Now, we also know that SqlMapClient can (and should) be configured as a (JVM) global 
variable either by using it as a simple static variable or through the singleton pattern. 
 Given that each thread that accesses the global SqlMapClient variable gets a copy of it 
(for local work), how does iBatis know which connection object to retrieve from the pool 
- especially if the SqlMapClient [sic] is participating in a transaction and the correct 
connection object needs to be retrieved to chain the "transactionable" 

Kind regards,


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