Once again I seem to have found a solution shortly after asking the question...

On 08/04/2008, Alistair Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [ ... snip ... ]
>        // start a transaction
>        // [iBATIS starts a new JTA transaction...?]
>        sqlMapClient.startTransaction();
>        // ... do some database processing ...
>        // start an inner transaction
>        // [iBATIS joins the existing JTA transaction...?]
>        sqlMapClient.startTransaction();
>        // ... do some more database processing ...
>        // abandon the inner transaction
>        // [iBATIS issues setRollbackOnly on JTA transaction...?]
>        sqlMapClient.endTransaction();
>        // commit the outer transaction
>        // [iBATIS issues commit on JTA transaction...?]
>        sqlMapClient.commitTransaction();
>  with the final result that the database is unchanged.  However,
>  instead, I get an exception on my second call to startTransaction()
>  complaining that a transaction is already started.
>  [ ... snip ... ]

After a bit of experimentation, I think that I need to explicitly
start the JTA transaction outside of the iBATIS transactions.  The
following does what I'd expected:

       // start a JTA transaction
       Context ctx = new InitialContext();
       UserTransaction ut =

       // start an iBATIS transaction
       // [iBATIS joins the JTA transaction]

       // ... do some database processing ...

       // commit the iBATIS transaction
       // [iBATIS does not actually commit to the db]

       // start another iBATIS transaction
       // [iBATIS joins the JTA transaction]

       // ... do some more database processing ...

       // abandon the iBATIS transaction
       // [iBATIS issues setRollbackOnly on JTA transaction]

       // commit the JTA transaction
       try {
       } catch (RollbackException x) {
              // will be raised because the commit did
              // not take place (since the second iBATIS
              // transaction was cancelled)

Please feel free to suggest a better way, if one should exist!


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