On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Nathan Maves <nathan.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This really does look like a mapping issue.  Please include the source code
> of the bean and the <select> map that you are using.

As I'm new to this company and they are a bit uptight about some
things, I'm not sure that I can do that just yet. Will ask my manager
when he comes back from whatever meeting he's in if I can do that.

However, here's something interesting. I created an exact duplicate of
the bean in the same package, with only a differing name, specified
that in the class of the resultmap, and it works. Maybe some sort of
weird classpath badness is happening here.

Spring is involved in this project too... and that's something else
that I haven't any familiarity with. Think I'll spend a bit of time
looking at that end and see if there's some sort of factory build
objects or something.

Thanks for your quick responses!


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