Hi George,

"But since RS 5 I prefer to use overlapping UV sets within RS and avoid all the exporting/importing business."

Overlapping UV sets?????  Explain .... :-D

Seeming you have ULTIMATE UNWRAP 3D - you know what I mean about the way it works AND that you can create this UV Map Picture that looks like a Mosaic, to export into a paint prog for texturing. Have you found this possible from within RS - if so HOW? I suspect that this is what the UV Unwrap tool to do with UV Sets is about - maybe wrong - but I could not get that tool to do anything.

ULTIMATE UNWRAP 3D - Flattens the faces to 2D surface, exports as a 2D Bmp, Jpg ... whatever, into paint prog, texture the various flat face groups representing different parts of the 3D mesh, save file, import back into ULTIMATE UNWRAP 3D, apply to 3D Mesh, export mesh and UV with new texture to 3D App of Choice. Is it possible to bypass ULTIMATE UNWRAP 3D and go from RS to Paint app to RS, from what you are saying above this maybe possible. Info appreciated.

The reason I did a big mail on ULTIMATE UNWRAP 3D - was more for relative RS / 3D novices like myself [ using 3D for a few years but still consider myself a 3d Infant ] - so any simple info / tutes etc on this area or others - again much appreciated.

I still think we are at a slight disadvantage though where UV Sets and Texture Mapping is concerned when this Flaw to do with Smooth SDS surfaces and texturing still exists - and apparently has existed for quiet a while through version updates without being fixed. By this I mean - create a cube in smooth mode, extrude the top face so you have a double cube, texture the bottom faces [ orig cube ] with one texture and the extruded faces with another texture. Render - all is fine. Now select all faces and ALT drag the Face Handle to sharpen the faces / face edges. Now Render again - not so pretty now. In one mesh You cannot have hard and soft edges together it seems.

The bug - when you sharpen the edges extra faces are added during interpolation and they don't inherit the materials.

"I've been collating my notes into a wiki"

This is great news - believe it or not I am considering something like this. I have domain space at www.tidalsound.com and may add SQL support to this - at a small cost - so we'll see. BUT hats off to you for this.


At 08:26 03/02/2006, you wrote:
Aidan O Driscoll wrote:

Hi Guys,

After my big long rant mail - heres another one - this time not a rant, but maybe very positive stuff.

As I said previously I THINK the core important elements of any 3D app is solid MODELLING, TEXTURING and ANIMATION tools / features. One of these things - TEXTURING - I think is most important - it gives life to the mesh. To this end I went hunting for decent UV UNWrap apps. I found the following called ULTIMATE UNWRAP 3D:

I have ultimate unwrap and it's a fabulous and fast program. But since RS 5 I prefer to use overlapping UV sets within RS and avoid all the exporting/importing business.


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