Hi Matthias..
Thx it works very well.. (As far as I see, it completely does what I had in mind, it will be nice for anim fx..!)
Works nicely also to set for individual points of SDS and Nurb objects (in the 'Spec' Tab, 'Attribute' Dropdown..)
Yep a tut on the wiki would be nice !
Thx for your fast and nice input on this..! (and many other things !)
Take Care
Best Regards
Stefan Gustafsson ( Beg-inner )
A Proud Owner and User of Real3D and Realsoft3D..

Uuups, a better one with fade out.
Have a look at the
PostEffects-->"add-background-color" Material.
Use the Attribute dropdown from the Objects- "Properties Windows"
"Col" tab to adjust the visibility via the "is-not-background" attribute.
----- Original Message -----
From: Beg-inner
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2006 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: How do I set a background color using the post effects?

Hi Matthias..
Thx for sharing this..!
Also to add an image this way, use the VSL Texture Object with its 'Input' set to UV Coords...
Can one get this effect to work smoothly from Background to Forground?
and not just either Background OR Forground..!
(Since using as you did, either objects are shown, or they are hidden by the VSL effect..)
I mean, so you can set one object to be in front of, another in the middle and one behind, the VSL rendered effect....
The object in front, is fully visible..
The object in middle, is semi mixed with the VSL effect
The object behind, is fully covered by the VSL effect (object wont show)
(the in front, middle and behind, is not in space, but just in relation to if its rendered in front, mixed or behind the VSL effect...)
One way to mix, can be done when using custom channel and setting the + for the VSL objects inside the IF level, but it is for ALL rendered objects and not per object settable.. (as far as I know...)
Take Care
Best Regards
Stefan Gustafsson ( Beg-inner )
A Proud Owner and User of Real3D and Realsoft3D..
Hi Sebatian,
something like this:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2006 1:01 AM
Subject: How do I set a background color using the post effects?

How do I set a background plain color using the post effects?


How do I set texture as background with the post effects?



My god this is humiliating asking for such stupid question.


Jean-Sebastien Perron



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