
The rooftiles material with some variables and controls for it.
-color variation per tile
-brightness variation per tile
-roughness of tile surface
-checkbox to

This should be enough controls for the common Dutch type of rooftiles, as
far as I could think of.

We like to keep it simple overhere :) Dutch rooftiles are laying in a
regular pattern, no shifting in rows. But I'll try to make a new version
that supports shifting of odd and even rows of tiles. And support for the
irregular displacement of individual tiles too. The first one should be
simple, the second one will need image based displacement. I'm not sure if
that can be done without the bricks shader. As Mark says it tends to be a
bit slow compared to modulo by one type of working.

Hi Arjo,
Remember that tile material you made a while ago, using two textures and rotating them to hide pattern repetition?
It's probably not too hard to adjust that for rooftiles...

Welcome back, I hope your commission worked out well, and your clients are
satisfied with the result.

They are :)
We rendered about 10000 frames at PAL resolution, but it's boring hospital stuff (oops, shouldn't say that), simple camera movements and here and there a door opening. I'll put some of it on my future website.

Looking forward to see on your website, what you
created. Also nice to see how you solved the tiles. Funny to see the
different ways of identifying individual tiles. Sometimes I find it
difficult to understand which steps can be used in different shaders.
Somehow I needed to create tiles both in surface and geometry shader. I'll
have a better look at your solution. It's more elegant and probably faster
to create tiles in one step instead of two.


I always find it hard to figure out other people's code... I'm sure there are dozens of ways to tackle this in RS :) I see you're using the Floor function, that's a good idea. Your rooftiles are perfectly useful already and looks great, thanks for sharing!

Not much time today, I'll get back,

-Mark H

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