Hi all,
About 18 or so months ago someone on the list helped me out with how to
import Realflow meshes into RS. I did it several times for some
projects, with great difficulty, but have not had much luck with a
certain issue in recent months.
I have two issues, and wonder if anyone has experience with this process
and can explain how you go about it.
1-Scale - The scale between the default states of the two programs seems
to be a factor of multiple thousands, and if I remember correctly,
things are huge when imported into RS.
2-Centering (or actually finding the object) - The coordinate systems
seem so far off that I generally cannot find the imported data. Sems
like the mesh is usually some thousands of units in the negative z and x
direction, but can't be sure, because I have not been able to find
things easy enough to see any tracable repeatability.
I stated two issues, but actually there is another:
3- Seeing the mesh - If you drag and drop the mesh to the screen for
auto centering, it sometimes works, but generally won't show up unless
you play through some of the animation frames.
This might all seem very confusing, and that is how I feel when trying
to use these programs together. I know I can set a scale factor in
Realflow, which can help, but the fact that I can't find the imported
mesh in RS is the biggest problem.
Vesa was going to try to address this with v7 when I told him about it
some months ago, but it might not make it to the released version.
Any help would be much appreciated!