Hi Guys,

First congrats on V7 release.

Now with 7 out and looking to the future again would their be any move
on extending RSes set of Import / Export filters to include the likes
of COLLADA and MDD formats?

Collada particularly as it is XML based, royalty free and open source
( I think ).

All data is transported by Collada inc animation, bone deformation data.

Both Blender 2.5 and Luxology Modo are developing Collada filters for
respective apps - alot of other apps are doing same also. It seems
their is a move away from FBX.


"COLLADA is a royalty-free XML schema that enables digital asset
exchange within the interactive 3D industry."

MDD is interesting also. It allows point animation data to be imported
/ exported between apps. Its just the point animation data, not the
model  / mesh being animated. One imports this model seperately to say
Realsoft then APPLIES the .MDD file to the model and off the animation

Seperately - with the recent move by Game Dev apps to go "Free" for RS
to be able to hook up to same would be a big plus. Animation / Bone
Data included. One app of great interest in this respect is UNITY 3D:


What was the INDIE version retailing at $199 is now free. Torque and
Real Game engine also have gone the same way.

Its a big interconnected 3D world out there now. Alot of 3Ders and pro
houses no longer exclusively use one app - their are pipelines between
apps getting the best out of each. Zbrush is a case in point here -
meshes from this app are laden with millions of polys. Alot of 3D apps
have taken this on board and are supporting hi poly count meshes. Also
the process of RETOPO or retoplolgy as a toolset is finding its way
into many apps to counter hi poly meshes and convert them to Hi qual
lower res meshes as game assets and the like ..


So VESA and all ... Would be interested in ye're thoughts,

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