Linux is the best operating system in the world, when it work.

(I have run on Linux for 6 months without problems, then an update changed all that : no sound, no solution).
So I returned to XP.

Today I reinstalled Ubuntu Linux again on my computer to see if the latest version would make my soundcard works. It did, sound again, but the printer is not working, after removing the printer from the list in the printer settings.
Rebooting then CRASH.

Ubuntu crash again and again just after booting, even the grub (DOS style) menu crash.
Cannot say I did not try.

Will have to pay the Micro$oft tax for Window7 64bit.
You pay but it work and it is a forced standard (for the best and the worst).

Fuck you Linux with all my hart.

Stop pretending you can Ignore hardware vendor.
Stop making different versions of everything.
Unify or die.

Jean-Sebastien Perron

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