The problem is not behind the screen, it's obviously in front of the screen.

in front???

yes...... well noticed there's nothing in front of a Linux screen
stop for a sec pal

it's you ignorant linux guys who are unwilling to listen
support for linux is as crap as it can get
hardware and software

you guys can't always expect from the end user to know how to recompile the kernel to get things to work secondly: installing software mostly requires the average end user to compile the software themselves who never heard the word "compile" neither do most know the bare basics in Linux

With Windows all that chaos of chasing down library packages who mostly are incompatible across Linux versions etc
is taken care of

the average user wants to point and click
and oddly that does work that way with Windows >>>>> POINT CLICK and up you go and you got a happy end user

I hate Windows >>>> so keep your guns in the pockets


Linux as for right now SUCKS!!!!!!!
I have no time as like others to spend weeks and weeks to get things eventually or most likely never to work
I tried installing Realsoft on many different Linux versions
it's back with Windows

and guess what happened....
In Windows 7 the compatibility mode actually does work for me with Realsoft 5 so, neither for me Linux anymore until you guys come up with something really interesting to make me and others

have a nice day Mr. Linux
From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 1:51 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Just wasted an entire day of my life with Linux, again!

Will have to pay the Micro$oft tax for Window7 64bit.
You pay but it work and it is a forced standard (for the best and the

Fuck you Linux with all my hart.

Stop pretending you can Ignore hardware vendor.
Stop making different versions of everything.
Unify or die.

It's not Linux that ignore hardware vendors. The hardware vendors ignore Linux.

I use Linux for more than 10 years now, without major problems.

The problem is not behind the screen, it's obviously in front of the screen.

good luck with Windows.

You deserve it. :)
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