我在使用flink 1.8 自定义 FileInputFormat 

问题1: StreamExecutionEnvironment 为什么要做这样的限制?ContinuousFileMonitoringFunction 


StreamExecutionEnvironment 对 FileInputFormat 对象有特殊的处理逻辑
if (inputFormat instanceof FileInputFormat) {
   FileInputFormat<OUT&gt; format = (FileInputFormat<OUT&gt;) inputFormat;

   source = createFileInput(format, typeInfo, "Custom File source",
         FileProcessingMode.PROCESS_ONCE, -1);
} else {
   source = createInput(inputFormat, typeInfo, "Custom Source");
return source;

createFileInput 方法内 使用 ContinuousFileMonitoringFunction 对 inputFormat 
进行处理,在其构造函数中,对 FileInputFormat<OUT&gt; format 进行了一些条件约束

   format.getFilePaths().length == 1,
   "FileInputFormats with multiple paths are not supported yet.");

这里就将 FileInputFormat 限制为只能添加一个file path。

问题2: 在flink 1.10 版本情况是否有改善?(在 FileInputFormat.supportsMultiPaths 方法中我看到flink 
2.0 中,所有的FileInputFormat 都会支持多路径)

 * Override this method to supports multiple paths.
 * When this method will be removed, all FileInputFormats have to support 
multiple paths.
 * @return True if the FileInputFormat supports multiple paths, false otherwise.
 * @deprecated Will be removed for Flink 2.0.
public boolean supportsMultiPaths() {
   return false;
