Hi LakeShen,

you can change the port with

conf.setInteger(RestOptions.PORT, 8082);

or if want to be on the safe side specify a range

conf.setString(RestOptions.BIND_PORT, "8081-8099");

On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 10:47 AM LakeShen <shenleifight...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi community,
>        now I am moving the flink job to k8s,and I plan to use the ingress
> to show the flink web ui  , the problem is that fink job server aren't
> correct, so I want to change the flink web-ui jobserver ,I don't find the
> any method  to change it ,are there some method to do that?
>        Thanks to your reply.
> Best wishes,
> LakeShen
