1. 执行的脚本,产生的日志是:
2020-07-13 21:00:25,248 INFO
 org.apache.flink.configuration.GlobalConfiguration           [] - Loading
configuration property: jobmanager.rpc.address, localhost
2020-07-13 21:00:25,251 INFO
 org.apache.flink.configuration.GlobalConfiguration           [] - Loading
configuration property: jobmanager.rpc.port, 6123
2020-07-13 21:00:25,251 INFO
 org.apache.flink.configuration.GlobalConfiguration           [] - Loading
configuration property: jobmanager.memory.process.size, 1600m
2020-07-13 21:00:25,251 INFO
 org.apache.flink.configuration.GlobalConfiguration           [] - Loading
configuration property: taskmanager.memory.process.size, 1728m
2020-07-13 21:00:25,251 INFO
 org.apache.flink.configuration.GlobalConfiguration           [] - Loading
configuration property: taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots, 1
2020-07-13 21:00:25,251 INFO
 org.apache.flink.configuration.GlobalConfiguration           [] - Loading
configuration property: parallelism.default, 1
2020-07-13 21:00:25,252 INFO
 org.apache.flink.configuration.GlobalConfiguration           [] - Loading
configuration property: jobmanager.execution.failover-strategy, region
2020-07-13 21:00:25,344 INFO
 org.apache.flink.client.deployment.DefaultClusterClientServiceLoader [] -
Could not load factory due to missing dependencies.
2020-07-13 21:00:26,136 INFO
 org.apache.flink.runtime.util.config.memory.ProcessMemoryUtils [] - The
derived from fraction jvm overhead memory (160.000mb (167772162 bytes)) is
less than its min value 192.000mb (201326592 bytes), min value will be used
2020-07-13 21:00:26,154 INFO
 org.apache.flink.kubernetes.utils.KubernetesUtils            [] -
Kubernetes deployment requires a fixed port. Configuration blob.server.port
will be set to 6124
2020-07-13 21:00:26,154 INFO
 org.apache.flink.kubernetes.utils.KubernetesUtils            [] -
Kubernetes deployment requires a fixed port. Configuration
taskmanager.rpc.port will be set to 6122
2020-07-13 21:00:26,204 INFO
 org.apache.flink.runtime.util.config.memory.ProcessMemoryUtils [] - The
derived from fraction jvm overhead memory (160.000mb (167772162 bytes)) is
less than its min value 192.000mb (201326592 bytes), min value will be used
2020-07-13 21:00:26,220 WARN
[] - Found 0 files in directory null/etc/hadoop, skip to mount the Hadoop
Configuration ConfigMap.
2020-07-13 21:00:26,220 WARN
[] - Found 0 files in directory null/etc/hadoop, skip to create the Hadoop
Configuration ConfigMap.
2020-07-13 21:00:26,958 INFO
 org.apache.flink.kubernetes.KubernetesClusterDescriptor      [] - Create
flink session cluster k8s-session-1 successfully, JobManager Web Interface:

2. 查看 desrcibe 日志是:
MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "flink-config-volume" : configmap
"flink-config-k8s-session-1" not found

3. logs 日志是:

Start command : /bin/bash -c $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -classpath
$FLINK_CLASSPATH -Xmx1073741824 -Xms1073741824
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=268435456 -Dlog.file=/opt/flink/log/jobmanager.log
1> /opt/flink/log/jobmanager.out 2> /opt/flink/log/jobmanager.err

4. kubectl get cm 可以看到
NAME                         DATA   AGE
flink-config-k8s-session-1   3      5m45s


Leonard Xu <xbjt...@gmail.com> 于2020年7月13日周一 下午8:41写道:

> Hi, zhai
> 可以贴详细点吗?我帮你 CC 了熟悉这块的大佬 Yun Gao
> 祝好
> > 在 2020年7月13日,20:11,Yvette zhai <yvettez...@gmail.com> 写道:
> >
> > 报错是MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "flink-config-volume" : configmap
> > "flink-config-k8s-session-1" not found
> >
> >
> > Leonard Xu <xbjt...@gmail.com> 于2020年7月13日周一 下午8:03写道:
> >
> >> Hi, zhai
> >>
> >> 图挂了。。可以整个图床工具贴出来,如果是异常直接贴文本也可以的。
> >>
> >> Best,
> >> Leonard Xu
> >>
> >>> 在 2020年7月13日,19:59,Yvette zhai <yvettez...@gmail.com> 写道:
> >>>
> >>> 大佬们,请教个问题,我是在k8s上部署flink1.11 natvie session模式。
> >>> 下载的flink-1.11.0-bin-scala_2.11.tgz
> >>>
> >>> 执行命令是
> >>> ./bin/kubernetes-session.sh \
> >>>    -Dkubernetes.cluster-id=k8s-session-1 \
> >>>    -Dtaskmanager.memory.process.size=4096m \
> >>>    -Dkubernetes.taskmanager.cpu=2 \
> >>>    -Dtaskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots=4 \
> >>>    -Dresourcemanager.taskmanager-timeout=3600000 \
> >>>    -Dkubernetes.container.image=flink:1.11.0-scala_2.11
> >>>
> >>> 但是会报错,找不到configmap
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> 我看是执行上述命令是会生成configmap的,为什么还会报找不到。
> >>>
> >>
> >>
