
Yangze Guo

On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 11:38 AM xuhaiLong <xiagu...@163.com> wrote:
> Hi
> 场景:1 tm 三个slot,run了三个job
> 三个job 运行的时候 出现了 ck 过程中空指针异常,导致任务一致重启。最终导致`Metaspace` 空间占满,出现 
> `java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace. The metaspace out-of-memory error has 
> occurred. This can mean two things: either the job requires a larger size of 
> JVM metaspace to load classes or there is a class loading leak. In the first 
> case 'taskmanager.memory.jvm-metaspace.size' configuration option should be 
> increased. If the error persists (usually in cluster after several job 
> (re-)submissions) then there is probably a class loading leak which has to be 
> investigated and fixed. The task executor has to be shutdown...
> `
> 附件为部分异常信息
> 疑问:
>     1. 为什么会在 ck 时候出现空指针?(三个 job 为同一个 kafka topic,通过ck 恢复 job 可以正常运行,应该不是数据的问题)
>     2. 通过日志看,是可以重启的,为什么自动重启后还存在这个问题,导致一直重启?
> 感谢~~~
> 从网易邮箱大师发来的云附件
> 08-07error.txt(730.4KB,2020年8月22日 11:37 到期)
> 下载
