hi, Jun Zhang.

Currently, the rule `PushLimitIntoTableSourceScanRule` captures the
structure that the `FlinkLogicalSort` node is the parent of the

In your case, we have a Calc node between the Sort node and the Scan node,
which makes the rule fails to apply.

Maybe we can add a rule to transpose between the Sort and Calc.


Jun Zhang <zhangjunemail...@gmail.com> 于2020年12月28日周一 下午5:31写道:

> when I query hive table by sql, like this `select * from hivetable where id
> = 1 limit 1`,   I found that the limit push down is invalid, is it a bug or
> was it designed like this?
> if the sql is  'select * from hivetable  limit 1'  ,it is ok
> thanks
