Hi, Peng

There’s no doubt that RabbitMQ is a good open source community with active 
I understand what @renqschn means is that Flink RabbitMQ  Connector is one 
connector with few users among the many connectors in the Flink project.  From 
my observation, the connector that is used more in the Flink project should be 
Kafka. Filesystem, JDBC and so on. So, please help us to promote Flink in the 
RabbitMQ community and let more RabbitMQ users know and then use the Flink 
RabbitMQ Connector, which will give the Flink community more motivation to 
improve the Flink RabbitMQ Connector.


> 在 2021年10月29日,11:13,Ken Peng <k...@pubbox.net> 写道:
> I am one of the Forum Moderators for RabbitMQ, which does have a lot of
> active users. :)
> If you have any questions about RMQ please subscribe to its official group
> and ask there.
> rabbitmq-users+subscr...@googlegroups.com
> Regards.
> On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 11:09 AM 任庆盛 <renqs...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 您好,
>> 从代码来看 RabbitMQ Sink 的确没有语义保证。目前 RabbitMQ
>> 由于社区用户不多,相对的维护频率也比较低,如果感兴趣的话也欢迎您参与社区的贡献~
>>> 2021年10月28日 下午7:53,wx liao <liaowx8...@gmail.com> 写道:
>>> 你好:
>> 冒昧打扰,最近项目在使用flink,sink端是rabbitmq,但是查看项目源码发现RMQSink好像并没有对消息不丢失做保证,没有看到有使用waitForConfirm()或者是confirm
>> listener,想问一下RMQSink部分是否没有保证at least once?希望可以得到解答,谢谢。
