意思是当 有 binlog  就意味着 已经读完了 snapshot

casel.chen <casel_c...@126.com> 于2023年12月19日周二 16:45写道:

> 我在阅读flink-connector-mysql-cdc项目源码过程中遇到一个不清楚的地方,还请大佬指点,谢谢!
> MySqlSplitReader类有一段代码如下,注释“(1) Reads binlog split firstly and then read
> snapshot split”这一句话我不理解。
> 为什么要先读binlog split再读snapshot split?为保证记录的时序性,不是应该先读全量的snapshot
> split再读增量的binlog split么?
> private MySqlRecords pollSplitRecords() throws InterruptedException {
>         Iterator<SourceRecords> dataIt;
>         if (currentReader == null) {
>             // (1) Reads binlog split firstly and then read snapshot split
>             if (binlogSplits.size() > 0) {
>                 // the binlog split may come from:
>                 // (a) the initial binlog split
>                 // (b) added back binlog-split in newly added table process
>                 MySqlSplit nextSplit = binlogSplits.poll();
>                 currentSplitId = nextSplit.splitId();
>                 currentReader = getBinlogSplitReader();
>                 currentReader.submitSplit(nextSplit);
>             } else if (snapshotSplits.size() > 0) {
>                 MySqlSplit nextSplit = snapshotSplits.poll();
>                 currentSplitId = nextSplit.splitId();
>                 currentReader = getSnapshotSplitReader();
>                 currentReader.submitSplit(nextSplit);
>             } else {
>                 LOG.info("No available split to read.");
>             }
>             dataIt = currentReader.pollSplitRecords();
>             return dataIt == null ? finishedSplit() : forRecords(dataIt);
>         } else if (currentReader instanceof SnapshotSplitReader) {
>           ....
>         }
>         ...
> }
