Dear HBase developers and users,

It has been a decade since Apache HBase became an Apache top level project
[1]. Ten years is a big milestone and deserves a good celebration. Do you
have anything to say to us? Maybe some wishes, good stories or just a happy
birthday blessing? Looking forward to your voices.

大家好!距离 HBase 成为 Apache 顶级项目 (TLP) 已经过去了整整 10 年
[1],这是一个值得纪念的里程碑。在这个特殊的时刻,您有什么想对 HBase 说的吗?分享您和 HBase 之间发生的故事,表达您对 HBase

Best Regards,
Yu (on behalf of the Apache HBase PMC)

Yu (代表Apache HBase PMC)


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