Hi users/developers/friends,

I’m wondering if any users, developers or anyone would be interested in a
hybrid (physical and virtual) meetup, where the physical meetup is going to
be hosted in the Bay area/Santa Clara/San Jose (with foods and drinks), and
the virtual call will be a zoom call/google hangout for the people around
the world. the session should be around 1 ~ 2 hours.

Topics could be discussed over the user slack channel (we have a thread
there already) or this email if anyone has any emerging, interesting ideas
for the HBase community, although I have few starters in my mind
* What are we going to do in ApacheCon/Community over the code,
* Few recent discussions on the dev channel
 - Review/discussion of what's in 2.6
 - HBase on K8s
 - HBase on Ozone integration
 - MTLS integration
 - HBase backup
 - more ...

If you like to participate, please signup on this google spreadsheet [1].
Once we confirm the date, we will reply on this thread. I will try to
accommodate everyone, but if the time conflict is real and we have many
things to cover, we could have multiple sessions to cover people who cannot
make it.

(Chinese version)

本次聚会的目的为鼓励大家提出对 HBase 项目有任何建议,或新兴的、有趣的想法。以下为我收集的一些议题
* ApacheCon/Community https://communityovercode.org/
將會於本年2023年10月舉行,我們HBASE 項目有任何參與的想法或活動嗎?
* 最近在DEV频道上的讨论
 - Review/discussion of what's in 2.6
 - HBase on K8s
 - HBase on Ozone integration
 - MTLS integration
 - HBase backup
 - more ...


1. Event signup sheet,


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