On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 12:50 AM, Denis <de...@camfex.cz> wrote:
> Hi.
> That is what am going to do.
> I still have terabytes of .rf files (!METADATA was the only table
> affected by the crash) and gigabytes of walog files and I am trying to
> extract info from them and insert into new database.
> Do you know any dumping tools for .rf and walog? (i started to create
> my own, but if there are existing ones, it could help to save the
> time).
> Am I right in understanding, that if all the content of .rf and walog
> will just be inserted into new db, VersioningIterator will remove all
> collision they may have ?

One thing to be aware of is that deleted data could come back when you
just import all of the files. This can happen because tablets can
reference files that contain data outside of the tablets range.  This
happens as a result of splits and bulk imports.   Below is an example
of this.

 * Tablet1 refs file F1 which contains X
 * Tablet1 splits into Tablet2 and Tablet3. Both tablets reference
file F1.  X falls within Tablet 3.
 * X is deleted from Tablet3
 * Tablet3 compacts to file F2, F2 does not contain X

After the sequence of events above, X still exist in file F1 even
though it was deleted and compacted away in Tablet3.  Normally this is
not a problem because Tablet2 does not read the part of file F1 that
contains X.  However if you just take F1 and import the file, then X
will come back.  The fact that you are only interested in a portion of
file F1 is lost with the !METADATA table.

> On 8/19/12, John Vines <vi...@apache.org> wrote:
>> When you have a namenode failure and you recover with teh Secondary
>> Namenode info, you're dealing with one level of potentially expired
>> pointers. On top of that, you have more layers of pointers WRT the root
>> tablet and !METADATA tablets. You can make attempts to recover, but what is
>> more apt to happen is you'll get a Root tablet up that has some, but not
>> all of the current !METADATA table files. And then the ones you get do get
>> up may or may not be pointing to the existing files for your tablets.
>> What I'm ultimately trying to say is that you already lost some files, you
>> are more apt to lose more by trying to recover your old information instead
>> of taking what you have and starting over. I would suggest taking your
>> accumulo directory, moving it to accumulo_old or something along those
>> lines, reinstantiate an instance, and begin bulk importing the remaining
>> old information back into the new system.
>> John
>> On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 11:08 PM, Denis <de...@camfex.cz> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I have a trouble with my Accumulo installation.
>>> After hardware failure on NameNode, !METATABLE's root_tables is broken :(
>>> From "fsck /" output:
>>> ....
>>> /accumulo/tables/!0/root_tablet/A000ornd.rf: CORRUPT block
>>> blk_-8590712379082603283
>>> /accumulo/tables/!0/root_tablet/A000ornd.rf: MISSING 1 blocks of total
>>> size 896 B..
>>> ....
>>> What could you recommend to recover the data?
>>> Is it possible to reconstruct !METATABLE's root_tablet based on the
>>> rest of !METATABLE files ?
>>> Or is possible to reconstruct the whole !METATABLE based on th content
>>> of the all found tablets ?
>>> Are there any ready tools to do it ?
>>> Thanks.

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