On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 5:28 PM, Benjamin Parrish <
benjamin.d.parr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a couple of issues when trying to use Accumulo on Hadoop 2.2.0
> 1) I start with accumulo init and everything runs through just fine, but I
> can find '/accumulo' using 'hadoop fs -ls /'

If /accumulo doesn't exist, then accumulo init did not complete
successfully.  (Unless the accumulo directory was set to something else,
but that did not appear to be the case in your site configuration file.)
Would you happen to have the output of the accumulo init command?

> 2) I try to run 'accumulo shell -u root' and it says that that Hadoop and
> ZooKeeper are not started, but if I run 'jps' on the each cluster node it
> shows all the necessary processes for both in the JVM.  Is there something
> I am missing?
> --
> Benjamin D. Parrish
> H: 540-597-7860

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