
How long is "awhile"? A few seconds, tens of seconds, minutes?

It could take some extra time in a virtualized environment, but it's hard
to know exactly whether what you're seeing is normal or not, without
knowing how many tablets your system has, how fast your networking is, what
specs your nodes have, how many tablet servers you are running, and any
number of other factors.

If you're starting HDFS and ZK immediately prior to starting Accumulo,
Accumulo may be waiting on those to finish starting first. You may see some
indication of this in the Accumulo logs.

The other thing is... it can take about 30 seconds for the ZooKeeper lock
from a previously killed Master to disappear, if you're killing and
restarting it.

The shell may be able to start faster with the --disable-tab-completion

On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 10:04 PM o haya <oh...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I followed the procedure on this page to stand up my test Accumulo 1.8.1
> instance:
> https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-the-big-data-friendly-apache-accumulo-nosql-database-on-ubuntu-14-04
> Everything seems to be working correctly.  To startup, I:
> - Run /apps/hadoop/sbin/start-dfs.sh
> - Run /apps/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh start
> - Run /apps/accumulo/bin/start-all.sh
> The accumulo startup seems to run all right and I can get to the Accumulo
> website, but the Master is not running.  If I wait awhile and check the
> website again, then everything is running, including Master.
> Is it normal for the Master to take awhile to start running?  Is there
> something I can do to get it to start faster?
> It seems like I cannot start the Accumulo shell until the Master is
> running...
> Thanks,
> Jim

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