The ones that I start with:

Span trace = Trace.start("someScan")

>From my code.

On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 9:35 PM, Josh Elser <> wrote:

> Great, glad that was it.
> What "custom ones" are you referring to? The shell commands you shared
> earlier or something else?
> On 8/23/18 12:35 PM, Jonathan Yom-Tov wrote:
>> Thanks!
>> You were right, the tracer process was misconfigured. Now I can see some
>> traces like major compactions but all my custom ones are not written to the
>> trace table. My user is root, table is trace and I have Table.READ,
>> Table.WRITE on the trace table. Any ideas on what could be causing this?
>> On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 3:25 PM, Josh Elser < <mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>>     Ensure that the Tracer service is running on the node(s) specified
>>     in ${ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR}/tracers
>>     Likely, this process died because it didn't have permission to
>>     create and write to the trace table. To fix that, you need to grant
>>     permissions to the trace user to create tables or create the table
>>     by hand and then grant read/write permission to the trace user.
>>     On 8/23/18 5:26 AM, Jonathan Yom-Tov wrote:
>>         hi,
>>         I'm trying to trace scans. So I issued the following commands:
>>         createtable test
>>         insert a b c d
>>         trace on
>>         scan
>>         trace off
>>         And got: ERROR:
>>         org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableNotFoundException: Table
>>         trace does not exist
>>         If I create the trace table manually I get "Waiting for trace
>>         information" over and over.
>>         How can I make tracing work on my cluster?

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