Hi Yusaku,

Thanks for your continous help.
Now  we have come to the installing step.
When we try to install the cluster on the host on which we have manually installed the ambari-agent, it is giving following error  during the installation of datanode:

warning: Could not retrieve fact fqdn
warning: Host is missing hostname and/or domain: sandeep
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.07 seconds
err: /Stage[1]/Hdp/Hdp::Lzo::Package[64]/Hdp::Package[lzo 64]/Hdp::Package::Process_pkg[lzo 64]/Package[lzo]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install lzo' returned 1: This system is not registered with RHN.
RHN support will be disabled.
Error: Nothing to do

err: /Stage[1]/Hdp/Hdp::Lzo::Package[64]/Hdp::Package[lzo 64]/Hdp::Package::Process_pkg[lzo 64]/Package[lzo-devel]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install lzo-devel' returned 1: This system is not registered with RHN.
RHN support will be disabled.
Error: Nothing to do

err: /Stage[1]/Hdp::Snappy::Package/Hdp::Package[snappy]/Hdp::Package::Process_pkg[snappy]/Package[snappy]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install snappy' returned 1: This system is not registered with RHN.
RHN support will be disabled.
Error: Nothing to do

notice: /Stage[1]/Hdp/Hdp::Lzo::Package[64]/Hdp::Package[lzo 64]/Hdp::Package::Process_pkg[lzo 64]/Anchor[hdp::package::lzo 64::end]: Dependency Package[lzo-devel] has failures: true
notice: /Stage[1]/Hdp/Hdp::Lzo::Package[64]/Hdp::Package[lzo 64]/Hdp::Package::Process_pkg[lzo 64]/Anchor[hdp::package::lzo 64::end]: Dependency Package[lzo] has failures: true
notice: /Stage[1]/Hdp/Hdp::Lzo::Package[64]/Anchor[hdp::lzo::package::64::end]: Dependency Package[lzo-devel] has failures: true
notice: /Stage[1]/Hdp/Hdp::Lzo::Package[64]/Anchor[hdp::lzo::package::64::end]: Dependency Package[lzo] has failures: true
err: /Stage[1]/Hdp::Snappy::Package/Hdp::Package[snappy]/Hdp::Package::Process_pkg[snappy]/Package[snappy-devel]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install snappy-devel' returned 1: This system is not registered with RHN.
RHN support will be disabled.
Error: Nothing to do

notice: /Stage[1]/Hdp::Snappy::Package/Hdp::Package[snappy]/Hdp::Package::Process_pkg[snappy]/Anchor[hdp::package::snappy::end]: Dependency Package[snappy-devel] has failures: true
notice: /Stage[1]/Hdp::Snappy::Package/Hdp::Package[snappy]/Hdp::Package::Process_pkg[snappy]/Anchor[hdp::package::snappy::end]: Dependency Package[snappy] has failures: true
notice: /Stage[1]/Hdp::Snappy::Package/Hdp::Snappy::Package::Ln[32]/Hdp::Exec[hdp::snappy::package::ln 32]/Anchor[hdp::exec::hdp::snappy::package::ln 32::begin]: Dependency Package[snappy-devel] has failures: true
notice: /Stage[1]/Hdp::Snappy::Package/Hdp::Snappy::Package::Ln[32]/Hdp::Exec[hdp::snappy::package::ln 32]/Anchor[hdp::exec::hdp::snappy::package::ln 32::begin]: Dependency Package[snappy] has failures: true
notice: /Stage[1]/Hdp::Snappy::Package/Hdp::Snappy::Package::Ln[64]/Hdp::Exec[hdp::snappy::package::ln 64]/Anchor[hdp::exec::hdp::snappy::package::ln 64::begin]: Dependency Package[snappy-devel] has failures: true
notice: /Stage[1]/Hdp::Snappy::Package/Hdp::Snappy::Package::Ln[64]/Hdp::Exec[hdp::snappy::package::ln 64]/Anchor[hdp::exec::hdp::snappy::package::ln 64::begin]: Dependency Package[snappy] has failures: true
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
See third-party tools/resources that Ambari uses and their respective authors

Please provide some solution.

Thanks & Regards,
Meghavi Sugandhi
Tata Consultancy Services
Mailto: meghavi.sugan...@tcs.com
Website: http://www.tcs.com

-----Yusaku Sako wrote: -----
To: user@ambari.apache.org
From: Yusaku Sako <yus...@hortonworks.com>
Date: 02/01/2014 01:13AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: Unable to load logon screen of Ambari Web ui

Hi Meghavi,

Glad to see that you can load the Web UI now.
It is the expected behavior; you first need to deploy a cluster with Ambari in order to manage it.
You only see HDP stacks because that's what's been contributed to Ambari so far, but Ambari is designed to support other stacks; for example there has been an effort to deploy a custom stack using a non-HDFS distributed file system.
Also, there have been success stories of having Ambari manage existing, already-installed clusters of various distributions (though this requires "hacks").  

Regarding the agent issue, perhaps others on this mailing list can help.


On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 1:11 AM, Meghavi Sugandhi <meghavi.sugan...@tcs.com> wrote:
Hi Yusaku,

Thanks for your efforts.
Now i am able to see AmbariWeb Server UI.
But after login, it is automatically redirecting to installer page (screenshot attached).
Is ambari only available for installing hortonworks or it provides monitoring and installing apache and cloudera distributions of hadoop and its components.

And also while starting Ambari-agent, I am getting following two errors:
1.Error getting facter info: /usr/lib/ambari-agent/lib/ruby-1.8.7-p370/bin/ruby: /usr/lib/ambari-agent/lib/ruby-1.8.7-p370/bin/ruby: cannot execute binary file
2.Two-way SSL authentication failed. Ensure that server and agent certificates were signed by the same CA and restart the agent.

Please provide solution.

Thanks & Regards,
Meghavi Sugandhi
Tata Consultancy Services
Mailto: meghavi.sugan...@tcs.com
Website: http://www.tcs.com

-----Yusaku Sako wrote: -----
Date: 01/25/2014 05:17AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: Unable to load logon screen of Ambari Web ui

The "stage" table introduced the "cluster_host_info" column in 1.4.2.
Looks like you are running 1.4.2 or later but with a schema for 1.4.1

You can delete and recreate the schema using the command "ambari-server reset" to force the schema to update (this will also delete all the data).
There is also an upgrade path, but it looks like you are just setting this up from scratch.


On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 10:13 PM, Meghavi Sugandhi <meghavi.sugan...@tcs.com> wrote:

Hi Yusaku,

I have installed and started Ambari-Server successfully.

But ambari-server web ui is showing only "loading" message and displaying following errors in logs:
Cloumn cluster_host_info not found in stage table.

And in SQLScripts of postgres , I didn't find column cluster_host_info in Stage table.

Please find attached screenshot of Web ui.

Thanks & Regards,
Meghavi Sugandhi
Tata Consultancy Services
Mailto: meghavi.sugan...@tcs.com
Website: http://www.tcs.com

-----Yusaku Sako wrote: -----
To: user@ambari.apache.org
From: Yusaku Sako <yus...@hortonworks.com>
Date: 01/17/2014 01:33AM
Subject: Re: Unable to load logon screen of Ambari Web ui

That's more of a NodeJS question, but it looks like you can configure proxy settings for the npm command.
I haven't tried it out, but here's an article that might help you: http://jjasonclark.com/how-to-setup-node-behind-web-proxy


On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 3:08 AM, Meghavi Sugandhi <meghavi.sugan...@tcs.com> wrote:
Hi Yusaku,

As suggested I have tried the commands.
npm -version works fine.

But due to limited internet access (proxy issue), i am not able to install brunch.
npm install -g brunch

Can you provide the path of the repo from where we can get the dump RPMs.

Thanks & Regards,
Meghavi Sugandhi
Tata Consultancy Services
Mailto: meghavi.sugan...@tcs.com
Website: http://www.tcs.com

-----Yusaku Sako wrote: -----
Date: 01/16/2014 12:58PM

Subject: Re: Unable to load logon screen of Ambari Web ui

I just followed the install instructions for 1.4.1 [1] and I was able to build, install the resulting RPMs, and bring up the Ambari Web UI just fine.
As I was going thru the instructions, I did update the 1.4.1 tarball URL as it was returning 404 (as the tarball location moved).

Since /usr/lib/ambari-server/web is empty on your machine, most likely ambari-web build failed.

Please try the following:
# npm --version <- make sure the npm command works. This command is part of NodeJS.  If not, install NodeJS from http://nodejs.org/download/.  Just download the binary tarball, extract, and put the bin folder in PATH.
# npm install -g brunch <- this installs brunch
# cd ambari-1.4.1-incubating/ambari-web/
# rm -rf public
# npm install <- this command should create a subfolder called node_modules
# brunch build <- this command should create a subfolder called public

Also, you might want to try building off of trunk [2], 1.4.3 (a release candidate vote was called today), or 1.4.2 [3]


On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 9:49 PM, Meghavi Sugandhi <meghavi.sugan...@tcs.com> wrote:
Hi Yusaku,

I am following apache Ambari user guide instructions to install Ambari.Following is the link:


I have created RPMs from source through maven build.
And also /usr/lib/ambari-server/web/ directory exists on ambari-server host but no content is present in this directory like index.html or _javascript_s/app.js. This web directory is empty.

Please suggest any solution for the same.

Thanks & Regards,
Meghavi Sugandhi
Tata Consultancy Services
Mailto: meghavi.sugan...@tcs.com
Website: http://www.tcs.com

-----Yusaku Sako wrote: -----
To: user@ambari.apache.org
From: Yusaku Sako <yus...@hortonworks.com>
Date: 01/15/2014 11:39PM
Subject: Re: Unable to load logon screen of Ambari Web ui

Hello Meghavi,

Which instructions are you following to install Ambari?  (You said it was an RPM install... did you create the RPMs yourself from source, or did you grab them from a repo?)
Can you check and see if /usr/lib/ambari-server/web/ directory exists on the Ambari server host?
If so, do you see a file called index.html in that directory, and also _javascript_s/app.js?


On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 1:01 AM, Meghavi Sugandhi <meghavi.sugan...@tcs.com> wrote:

I have checked firewall, it is disabled and Ambari-server is also running.

[root@vanshish ambari-server]# ambari-server start
Using python  /usr/bin/python2.6
Starting ambari-server
Ambari Server running with 'root' privileges.
Server PID at: /var/run/ambari-server/ambari-server.pid
Server out at: /var/log/ambari-server/ambari-server.out
Server log at: /var/log/ambari-server/ambari-server.log
Ambari Server 'start' completed successfully.

[root@vanshish ambari-server]# ambari-agent start
Verifying Python version compatibility...
Using python  /usr/bin/python2.6
Checking for previously running Ambari Agent...
Starting ambari-agent
Verifying ambari-agent process status...
Ambari Agent successfully started
Agent PID at: /var/run/ambari-agent/ambari-agent.pid
Agent out at: /var/log/ambari-agent/ambari-agent.out
Agent log at: /var/log/ambari-agent/ambari-agent.log

Still i am not able to view the required Ambari WebUI.
Please find attached screenshot of WebUI.

Thanks & Regards,
Meghavi Sugandhi
Tata Consultancy Services
Mailto: meghavi.sugan...@tcs.com
Website: http://www.tcs.com

-----Artem Ervits wrote: -----
To: "user@ambari.apache.org" <user@ambari.apache.org>
From: Artem Ervits <are9...@nyp.org>
Date: 01/14/2014 08:41PM
Subject: RE: Unable to load logon screen of Ambari Web ui

Check your firewall? Start Ambari-server if not started,


Run: netstat –tunlp | grep 8080 on the Ambari server


From: Meghavi Sugandhi [mailto:meghavi.sugan...@tcs.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 7:12 AM
To: user@ambari.apache.org
Subject: Unable to load logon screen of Ambari Web ui



I have installed ambari-agent and ambari-server with rpm packages. They are working properly.
But i am unable to view Ambari WebUI which runs on port 8080.

Please find screenshot of WebUI attached here with and provide solution for the same.

Thanks & Regards,
Meghavi Sugandhi
Tata Consultancy Services
Mailto: meghavi.sugan...@tcs.com
Website: http://www.tcs.com

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