>From the Ambari 1.6.1 release notes, this is a known issue.

*BUG-20060:* Host registration fails during Agent bootstrap on SLES due to


On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 10:00 PM, Zongheng Yang <zonghen...@gmail.com>

> Hmm, not sure if the following behavior causes the issue. After
> manually killing the two stuck processes, I ran "zypper -q search -s
> --match-exact ambari-agent", and it prompts for user interaction:
> New repository or package signing key received:
> Key ID: F5113243C66B6EAE
> Key Name: NVIDIA Corporation <linux-b...@nvidia.com>
> Key Fingerprint: 9B763D49D8A5C892FC178BACF5113243C66B6EAE
> Key Created: Thu 15 Jun 2006 04:13:18 PM UTC
> Key Expires: (does not expire)
> Repository: nVidia-Driver-SLE11-SP3
> Do you want to reject the key, trust temporarily, or trust always?
> [r/t/a/?] (r):
> Is this the expected behavior? It seems to be the Ambari installation
> process should be able to automate all command-line processes and
> requires user attention only on the UI.
> On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 6:57 PM, Zongheng Yang <zonghen...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi user@ambari,
> >
> > I am trying to use Ambari 1.6.1 to install HDP 2.1 on a two-machine
> > cluster (EC2 r3.large instances, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 sp3).
> > I have successfully installed and started the Ambari server, and in
> > the web UI's "Confirm Hosts" step, the installation failed.
> >
> > Here's the log for one of the hosts: http://pastebin.com/6JMMbaDL
> >
> > Doing a "ps aux | grep zypper" on that host gives:
> >
> > ip-172-31-18-208:~ # ps aux | grep zypper
> > root     19622  0.0  0.0  11584  1452 pts/1    S+   01:41   0:00 bash
> > -c zypper -q search -s --match-exact ambari-agent | grep ambari-agent
> > | sed -re 's/\s+/ /g' | cut -d '|' -f 4 | tr '\n' ', ' | sed -s
> > 's/[-|~][A-Za-z0-9]*//g'
> > root     19623  0.5  0.0 113112 12208 pts/1    S+   01:41   0:00
> > zypper -q search -s --match-exact ambari-agent
> > root     20135  0.0  0.0   5716   820 pts/0    S+   01:41   0:00 grep
> zypper
> >
> > The top two processes seem to be long-lived/stuck. And `zypper install
> > ambari-agent` on that host gives:
> >
> > System management is locked by the application with pid 19623 (zypper).
> > Close this application before trying again.
> >
> > I am wondering, what's the root cause here, and how can I resolve this
> > issue? I am happy to provide more details if that's helpful for
> > diagnosis.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Zongheng

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