I have some code for decommissioning datanodes prior to removal.  It seems to 
work fine with a single node, but with multiple nodes it fails.  When passing 
multiple hosts, I am putting the names in a comma-separated string, as seems to 
be the custom with other Ambari API commands.  I attempted to send it as a JSON 
array, but the server complained about that.  Let me know if that is the wrong 
format.  The decommission request completes successfully, it just never writes 
the excludes file so no nodes are decommissioned.

This fails for mutiple nodes:

"RequestInfo": {
                "command": "DECOMMISSION",
                "context": "Decommission DataNode"),
                "parameters": {"slave_type": "DATANODE", "excluded_hosts": 
                "operation_level": {
"level": "CLUSTER",
"cluster_name": cluster_name
            "Requests/resource_filters": [{
                "service_name": "HDFS",
                "component_name": "NAMENODE",

But this works for a single node:

"RequestInfo": {
                "command": "DECOMMISSION",
                "context": "Decommission DataNode"),
                "parameters": {"slave_type": "DATANODE", "excluded_hosts": 
                "operation_level": {
"level": "HOST_COMPONENT",
"cluster_name": cluster_name,
"host_name": "slave-1.local",
"service_name": "HDFS"
            "Requests/resource_filters": [{
                "service_name": "HDFS",
                "component_name": "NAMENODE",

Looking on the actual node, it's obvious that the file isn't being written by 
the command output:

(multiple hosts, notice there is no 'Writing File' line)
File['/etc/hadoop/conf/dfs.exclude'] {'owner': 'hdfs', 'content': 
Template('exclude_hosts_list.j2'), 'group': 'hadoop'}
Execute[''] {'user': 'hdfs'}
ExecuteHadoop['dfsadmin -refreshNodes'] {'bin_dir': 
'/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/bin', 'conf_dir': '/etc/hadoop/conf', 
'kinit_override': True, 'user': 'hdfs'}
Execute['hadoop --config /etc/hadoop/conf dfsadmin -refreshNodes'] 
{'logoutput': False, 'path': ['/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/bin'], 'tries': 
1, 'user': 'hdfs', 'try_sleep': 0}

(single host, it writes the exclude file)
File['/etc/hadoop/conf/dfs.exclude'] {'owner': 'hdfs', 'content': 
Template('exclude_hosts_list.j2'), 'group': 'hadoop'}
Writing File['/etc/hadoop/conf/dfs.exclude'] because contents don't match
Execute[''] {'user': 'hdfs'}
ExecuteHadoop['dfsadmin -refreshNodes'] {'bin_dir': 
'/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/bin', 'conf_dir': '/etc/hadoop/conf', 
'kinit_override': True, 'user': 'hdfs'}
Execute['hadoop --config /etc/hadoop/conf dfsadmin -refreshNodes'] 
{'logoutput': False, 'path': ['/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/bin'], 'tries': 
1, 'user': 'hdfs', 'try_sleep': 0}

The only notable difference in the command.json is the 
commandParams/excluded_hosts param, so it's not like the request is passing the 
information along incorrectly.  I'm going to play around with the format I use 
to pass it in and take some wild guesses like it's expecting double-encoded 
JSON as I've seen that in other places, but if someone knows the answer offhand 
and can help out, that would be appreciated.  If it turns out to be a bug in 
Ambari, I'll open a JIRA and rewrite our code to issue the decommission call 
independently for each host.


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