Omkar - Yes, with HDFS *(nothing HDP specific)* you mount each drive separately.

Where you mount them doesn’t matter, but never set a mount point under /dev.

This talks to the various configuration settings to update to match those dirs, but you would do them from Ambari instead of editing the configuration files manually:

Hortonworks - We do Hadoop

Sean Roberts
Partner Solutions Engineering - EMEA
On 8 May 2015, at 14:46, Joshi Omkar wrote:


I have 600GB X 8 disks on each machine that can be used for HDP.

1 disk is used for the /root, /home etc. so I'm now left with 7 disks.

If I understand correctly from the HDP recos<>. , I can MOUNT these 7 disks as:


Where each disk will have a ONE SINGLE BIG partition with ext3/ext4.

Omkar Joshi

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