Honestly, I don't know that anyone has ever tried, but I have a feeling it
might not work out well.  The 'repo' is specified at the stack level, so
you'd have to make a new cluster after modifying the repo url on the stack
in order for the new nodes to even know to use a different repo from the
old nodes for installing packages.  Also, the os_family and os_type is in
the ambari-server configs and isn't overrideable per-node, unless there's
some hidden feature I'm not aware of.

Your best option is probably to spin up a new cluster with the new OS and
migrate the data.


On 1/13/16, 6:20 PM, "Andrew Robertson" <andyrobertson...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Has anyone ever tried to run an Ambari cluster with hosts at different
>centos versions (or some nodes with one OS like centos and other nodes
>with something else?)
>Any reason this wouldn't be advised?
>I'm considering upgrading from centos 6 -> centos 7.  Given the
>current centos 6 -> 7 upgrade path is "reinstall", this make take some
>time to accomplish and I'd end up with a mix of both machine types in
>the cluster during this time.
>I don't see any reasons this would not work - but I also don't see
>anything that explicitly states this is a tested/advised config

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