Hi Tyler,

Have you used the web debugger to find any errors in the console or requests?
Any errors in ambari server log?


From: Tyler Hawkes <tyler.haw...@gmail.com<mailto:tyler.haw...@gmail.com>>
Reply-To: "user@ambari.apache.org<mailto:user@ambari.apache.org>" 
Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 10:41 AM
To: "user@ambari.apache.org<mailto:user@ambari.apache.org>" 
Subject: Issue adding new nodes to existing cluster

When trying to add new nodes to an existing cluster, the next button on step 3 
(endpoint is /#/main/host/add/step3) is disabled. Any ideas why? I've tried 
restarting the server. None of the the configurations are out of date and none 
of the checks that are alerting on the previous step are significant since all 
the other nodes in my cluster installed with them.

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