As i understood, most of the imported tables in the schema are empty, it basically a reason why Ambari not starting.

For what you should do, verify the backup data - does it contain more information than was imported (i.e. it is some import glitch) or the DB was not fully exported.

If DB is totally lost, could be deployed a test mirror cluster (a bit complex way and not guarantee anything):
- create a full mapping of services and components you have on each host
- create a test cluster with (ideally if you have blueprint for the broken cluster):
  - same host names,
  - services & components location per host
  - services user name, if custom were used
  - cluster name
    ....(add here anything what was customized on the cluster)...
  - same versions of the stack and Ambari
- apply same cluster configuration, like Kerberos, HDFS HA and so on (complexity depends on amount of services and their custom configuration/features used) - make a DB snapshot of deployed and configured test cluster and apply it to the production cluster with fixing after the host table with proper ip addresses
- fix any pop-up issue after

It is quite complex way, but in theory should not mess with the data on the cluster

------ Original Message ------
From: "Matt Andruff" <>
Sent: 6/17/2020 3:41:43 PM
Subject: Re: reinitialize ambari

You can reset Ambari and delete the contents of the database with

./ambari-server reset

But it will flatten your installation and effectively be like starting from the beginning, nothing is remembered. It's very destructive.

On Wed., Jun. 17, 2020, 03:10 Leoš Literák, <> wrote:

my colleague has installed the Ambari + Hadoop stack on our servers. He used Postgresql 11 to store the information. Then I had to downgrade the Postgresql to 9.3.9. I have exported the ambari schema from 11 to 9.3.9. Since then Ambari stopped working even when we started Postgresql 11 again.

The current situation is that I can log in to Ambari and it shows an empty installation with Launch wizard. Hadoop is stopped and there are no manual scripts. The colleague is not available and I need to continue.

It is Ambari

Database consistency check result: DB_CHECK_WARNING

17 Jun 2020 07:10:43,169 INFO [main] ControllerModule:224 - Detected POSTGRES as the database type from the JDBC URL 17 Jun 2020 07:10:43,181 INFO [main] ControllerModule:267 - Using c3p0 ComboPooledDataSource as the EclipsLink DataSource 17 Jun 2020 07:10:52,612 INFO [main] StackModule:191 - Resolve: HDP:2.6 17 Jun 2020 07:10:52,612 INFO [main] StackModule:374 - mergeServiceWithExplicitParentcommon-services/DRUID/0.10.1 17 Jun 2020 07:10:52,612 INFO [main] ServiceModule:185 - Resolve service 17 Jun 2020 07:10:52,612 INFO [main] ServiceModule:198 - Display name service/parent: null/Druid 17 Jun 2020 07:11:06,165 INFO [main] WebApplicationImpl:815 - Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.19 02/11/2015 03:25 AM' 17 Jun 2020 07:11:06,310 WARN [main] Errors:173 - The following warnings have been detected with resource and/or provider classes: WARNING: A HTTP GET method, public,,, should not consume any entity. 17 Jun 2020 07:11:06,427 INFO [main] AmbariServer:565 - ********* Started Server ********** 17 Jun 2020 07:12:15,345 ERROR [alert-event-bus-1] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert yarn_resourcemanager_webui for an invalid cluster named centaur_sandbox 17 Jun 2020 07:12:15,345 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert ams_metrics_collector_process for an invalid cluster named centaur_sandbox 17 Jun 2020 08:46:06,661 INFO [pool-18-thread-1] MetricsServiceImpl:65 - Attempting to initialize metrics sink 17 Jun 2020 08:46:06,661 INFO [pool-18-thread-1] MetricsServiceImpl:81 - ********* Configuring Metric Sink ********** 17 Jun 2020 08:46:06,661 INFO [pool-18-thread-1] AmbariMetricSinkImpl:95 - No clusters configured. 17 Jun 2020 08:46:13,343 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert ams_metrics_collector_process for an invalid cluster named centaur_sandbox 17 Jun 2020 08:46:13,343 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert ambari_agent_disk_usage for an invalid cluster named centaur_sandbox 17 Jun 2020 08:46:13,343 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert datanode_webui for an invalid cluster named centaur_sandbox 17 Jun 2020 08:46:13,344 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert ams_metrics_collector_autostart for an invalid cluster named centaur_sandbox

select * from host returns 3 rows

ambari=> select * from stack;
 stack_id | stack_name  |  stack_version
        1 | HDP         | 2.0.6
        2 | HDP         | 2.3.ECS
       16 | BigInsights | 4.2
(16 rows)

Tables groups, clusters are empty. Well, most of the tables are empty.

If the ambari schema is broken, is there any reasonable way to populate it again from the existing cluster? Or does it mean we have to remove all components and start the wizard from scratch?

Thank you


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