If I am not mistaken, you tag file revisions that are currently loaded in your sand box. If you used ClearCase with dynamic view the files could be changed on a fly, but with CVS it will not happen.

- Alexey.

S I wrote:
Here's then another question:

Normally, I tag cvs repository as soon as I checkout since I do not lock the repository during a build. If I tag after a successful build, don't I take the chance of someone checking in code between the time I checked out to build's completion? If someone checked in code while I was building then the integrity of my build is questionable, no?

Then again I'm not clear of CVS Tagging architecture, in the sense, that whether it matches my local working folder's date/time stamp to the live repository and that is what it tags only or tags the live repository at its current state? Which is the case? Does it matter when a buildmaster tags their project?

/ Alexey N. Solofnenko
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