Currently the StarTeam Checkout Ant task has an attribute named "forced"
with the description:


If true, checkouts will occur regardless of the status that StarTeam is
maintaining for the file. If false, status will be used to determine
which files to check out. Defaults to "false".


When false, the task uses status to determine which files should be
checked out.  This is currently implemented so that OUTOFDATE and
MISSING are the only statuses where a checkout does occur.  If it is
MERGE, UNKNOWN, MODIFIED, or of course CURRENT, it does not checkout the


This is not optimal behavior for an automated process such as part of a
continual build process (which I believe is where this target is mostly
used).  For automated processes, what is intended is that the checkout
will leave the local folder exactly as the repository (checkouts would
occur for MERGE, UNKNOWN, and MODIFIED as well as OUTOFDATE and
MISSING).  Because the current task is not implemented like this, I
wonder if most script users are left using forced="true" which causes
CURRENT files to be checked out needlessly, significantly increasing the
build time.


What is the best way to fix this problem?  Change the behavior of
checkout when forced="false" to perform checkouts on the above mentioned
statuses?  Change the behavior of forced="true" to skip CURRENT files
(as I think this may always be unnecessary)?  Or perhaps add a new
attribute called sync (or whatever) that overrides the forced attribute
and performs the checkout as described above?


Please respond if one of the proposed changes would affect your build
scripts (positively or negatively) in order to find the best solution
for current ant users.  Also, perhaps this should be forwarded to the
development list, especially if this thread becomes more code related.


Ben Burgess


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