Ah, Peter, that was it--thanks. I changed my Javascript code to this:

        // get ahold of the "war" task in the "buildWar" target
        var buildWarTasks = buildWar.getTasks();
        var warTask = null; 
        for (var i = 0; i < buildWarTasks.length; ++i) {
            var aTask = buildWarTasks[i];
            if (aTask.getTaskName() == "war") {
                warTask = aTask;
            java.lang.System.out.println("\n\nwarTask (before conversion) 
= " + warTask.toString()); 
                if (aTask instanceof 
Packages.org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement) {
                    warTask = aTask.getTask(); 
            java.lang.System.out.println("\n\nwarTask (after conversion) = 
" + warTask.toString()); 

and all is well. Thanks for pointing out the Faq article. I read the Faq 
last week, but that was before I realized I had the UnknownElement 
problem. A Google searched hadn't turned up much.

Thanks again.


Peter Reilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
06/28/2005 07:37 AM
Please respond to
"Ant Users List" <user@ant.apache.org>

Ant Users List <user@ant.apache.org>

Re: Ant 1.6 API: Can't call War.addZipfileset() from JavaScript

I do not have time to look into this too much. However
the "unknownelement" is due to a difference in timing
of converting of xml classes to java tasks from ant 1.5 to ant 1.6.
Look at:

Your code does something similar:

        for (var i = 0; i < buildWarTasks.length; ++i) {
            var aTask = buildWarTasks[i];
            if (aTask.getTaskName() == "war") {
                warTask = aTask;
So you may need to configure the task?, I am not sure if
the approach will work anymore.



>Any ideas on this? It's preventing us from upgrading to Ant 1.6, which we 

>need to do because of other dependencies. Am I doing something horribly 
>wrong? Any workarounds come to mind?
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/24/2005 10:50:16 AM:
>>More info:
>>It's interesting to note that the output from Ant 1.5.4 shows:
>>   [script] 
>>   [script] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>...whereas the output from Ant 1.6.2 shows:
>>   [script] reportSet.toString=fileRealm.properties
>>   [script] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Ant 1.5.4 seems to know what type the references are, whereas Ant 1.6.2 
>>uses "UnknownElement". Is that the problem?
>>When I run the build.xml from my previous message, the output from Ant 
>>1.5.4 is:
>>****** BEGIN ANT 1.5.4 OUTPUT *********
>>Apache Ant version 1.5.4 compiled on August 12 2003
>>Buildfile: build.xml
>>Detected Java version: 1.4 in: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk142_06\jre
>>Detected OS: Windows 2000
>>parsing buildfile build.xml with URI = file:M:/.../___test/build.xml
>>Project base dir set to: M:\...\___test
>>Build sequence for target `buildWar' is [addWarDynamic, buildWar]
>>Complete build sequence is [addWarDynamic, buildWar]
>>   [script] reportSet.getName()=**/*.sh
>>   [script] 
>>   [script] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>   [script] warTask.getTaskName()=war
>>   [script] about to addZipfileset()...
>>   [delete] Deleting: M:\...\___test\deleteMe.war
>>      [war] Building war: M:\...\___test\deleteMe.war
>>      [war] adding directory META-INF/
>>      [war] adding entry META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
>>      [war] adding directory gfx/
>>      [war] adding directory gfx/included/
>>      [war] adding entry gfx/included/blank.gif
>>      [war] adding directory WEB-INF/
>>      [war] adding directory WEB-INF/classes/
>>      [war] adding directory WEB-INF/classes/com/
>>      [war] adding directory myStuff/
>>      [war] adding entry WEB-INF/web.xml
>>Total time: 3 seconds
>>****** END ANT 1.5.4 OUTPUT *********
>>... and the output from 1.6.2 is:
>>****** BEGIN ANT 1.6.2 OUTPUT *********
>>Apache Ant version 1.6.2 compiled on July 16 2004
>>Buildfile: build.xml
>>Detected Java version: 1.4 in: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk142_06\jre
>>Detected OS: Windows 2000
>>parsing buildfile M:\...\___test\build.xml with URI = 
>>Project base dir set to: M:\...\___test
>>Build sequence for target `buildWar' is [addWarDynamic, buildWar]
>>Complete build sequence is [addWarDynamic, buildWar, ]
>>   [script]
>>   [script] reportSet.getName()=**/*.sh
>>   [script] reportSet.toString=fileRealm.properties
>>   [script] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>   [script] warTask.getTaskName()=war
>>   [script] about to addZipfileset()...
>>M:\...\___test\build.xml:20: TypeError: undefined is not a function.
>>        at 
>>        at 
>>        at 
>>        at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:364)
>>        at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:341)
>>        at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:369)
>>        at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTarget(Project.java:1214)
>>        at 
>>        at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.runBuild(Main.java:673)
>>        at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.startAnt(Main.java:188)
>>        at org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:196)
>>        at org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:55)
>>Caused by: TypeError: undefined is not a function.
>>        at org.mozilla.javascript.NativeGlobal.constructError(Unknown 
>>        at org.mozilla.javascript.NativeGlobal.constructError(Unknown 
>>        at org.mozilla.javascript.NativeGlobal.typeError1(Unknown 
>>        at org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime.call(Unknown Source)
>>        at org.mozilla.javascript.gen.c1.call(Unknown Source)
>>        at org.mozilla.javascript.gen.c1.exec(Unknown Source)
>>        at org.mozilla.javascript.Context.evaluateReader(Unknown Source)
>>        at org.mozilla.javascript.Context.evaluateString(Unknown Source)
>>        at 
>>        at org.apache.bsf.util.BSFEngineImpl.exec(Unknown Source)
>>        at org.apache.bsf.BSFManager$6.run(Unknown Source)
>>        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
>>        at org.apache.bsf.BSFManager.exec(Unknown Source)
>>        at 
>>        ... 11 more
>>--- Nested Exception ---
>>TypeError: undefined is not a function.
>>        at org.mozilla.javascript.NativeGlobal.constructError(Unknown 
>>        at org.mozilla.javascript.NativeGlobal.constructError(Unknown 
>>        at org.mozilla.javascript.NativeGlobal.typeError1(Unknown 
>>        at org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime.call(Unknown Source)
>>        at org.mozilla.javascript.gen.c1.call(Unknown Source)
>>        at org.mozilla.javascript.gen.c1.exec(Unknown Source)
>>        at org.mozilla.javascript.Context.evaluateReader(Unknown Source)
>>        at org.mozilla.javascript.Context.evaluateString(Unknown Source)
>>        at 
>>        at org.apache.bsf.util.BSFEngineImpl.exec(Unknown Source)
>>        at org.apache.bsf.BSFManager$6.run(Unknown Source)
>>        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
>>        at org.apache.bsf.BSFManager.exec(Unknown Source)
>>        at 
>>        at 
>>        at 
>>        at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:364)
>>        at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:341)
>>        at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:369)
>>        at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTarget(Project.java:1214)
>>        at 
>>        at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.runBuild(Main.java:673)
>>        at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.startAnt(Main.java:188)
>>        at org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:196)
>>        at org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:55)
>>Total time: 3 seconds
>>****** END ANT 1.6.2 OUTPUT *********
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/23/2005 01:56:55 PM:
>>>I have an Ant 1.5.4 build script that doesn't work in Ant 1.6 (Ant 
>>>or 1.6.5). It has some embedded JavaScript that is calling the Ant API 
>>>add a ZipFileSet to the War task.
>>>What we're trying to do is dynamically add directories to the War task 
>>>runtime. We decided to use JavaScript to calculate which directories 
>>>to be added, and then modify the War task via JavaScript before the 
>>>task is run. Using the Ant API worked straightforward for us in Ant 
>>>Below is an example build.xml file that shows what we are doing. I 
>>>out the logic that dynamically builds the directories to include, in 
>>>to keep the example simple and straightforward. (Obviously, I wouldn't 
>>>JavaScript to add a static, known path to the War task.)
>>>If I add the appropriate BSF and Rhino libraries to Ant 1.5.4 and Ant 
>>>1.6.2 and run this exact same build file, it works fine in Ant 1.5.4 
>>>throws an exception in Ant 1.6.2. The exception starts out like this:
>>>       build.xml:20: Type Error: undefined is not a function.
>>>Pretty vague error message!
>>>With some testing, I determined that I can't call a number of War task 
>>>methods from JavaScript in Ant 1.6.2. These include addZipfileset(), 
>>>addLib(), and addClasses(). Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or 
>>>something changed in Ant 1.6. Any ideas? Thanks!
>>>The build.xml file below has 2 tasks: buildWar and addWarDynamic. 
>>>Basically we use JavaScript in addWarDynamic to modify the War task in 
>>>buildWar before it's run. As I said, this works fine in Ant 1.5.4, but 
>>>throws that vague exception in Ant 1.6.2.
>>>Example build.xml file:
>>><project name="SelfServiceReporting" default="buildWar" basedir=".">
>>>        <!-- 
>>================================================================= -->
>>>        <!-- make WAR file     -->
>>>        <!-- 
>>================================================================= -->
>>>        <target name="buildWar" depends="addWarDynamic" >
>>>        <delete file="deleteMe.war"/>
>>>        <!-- build a .war file for the application -->
>>>                <war destfile="deleteMe.war" webxml="junk-web.xml" 
>>>                        <zipfileset dir="images" prefix="gfx/included" 
>>>                                <patternset>
>>>                                        <include name="**/*" />
>>>                                </patternset>
>>>                        </zipfileset>
>>>                        <classes dir="classes" />
>>>                </war>
>>>        </target>
>>>        <target name="addWarDynamic">
>>>                <script language="javascript">
>>>                        <![CDATA[
>>>        // get ahold of the "war" task in the "buildWar" target
>>>        var buildWarTasks = buildWar.getTasks();
>>>        var warTask = null; 
>>>        for (var i = 0; i < buildWarTasks.length; ++i) {
>>>            var aTask = buildWarTasks[i];
>>>            if (aTask.getTaskName() == "war") {
>>>                warTask = aTask;
>>>                break;
>>>            }
>>>        }
>>>        // create a ZipFileSet to hold just the reports we've 
>>>        var reportSet = new 
>>>        var srcRoot = new java.io.File("includeTest");
>>>        reportSet.setDir(srcRoot);
>>>        reportSet.setPrefix("myStuff");
>>>        reportSet.setIncludes("*");
>>>        // exclude certain files
>>>        var xxx = reportSet.createExclude();
>>>        xxx.setName("**/*.sh");
>>>        // due to a bug in Ant 1.6.x, we have to set the project 
>>>        // otherwise we get a null pointer exception in 
>>>        reportSet.setProject(project) 
>>>        java.lang.System.out.println("\nreportSet.getName()=" + 
>>>        java.lang.System.out.println("reportSet.toString=" + 
>>>        java.lang.System.out.println("warTask=" + warTask.toString()); 
>>>        java.lang.System.out.println("warTask.getTaskName()=" + 
>>>        java.lang.System.out.println("about to addZipfileset()..."); 
>>>        warTask.addZipfileset(reportSet);
>>>    ]]> </script>
>>>        </target>
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