It is quite possible. With make it is usually one file at a time compilation. ANT is smart enough to request a build for several files at a time.

- Alexey.

hiren patel wrote:
We are having a  large,multi platform,complex,commercial C++ project
which is build by using a make peer PVCS merant make. In oreder to tailor the
functionality of make, we have created the wrapper around it.
Around 700 of make files in hierarchy with some top level makefiles are
used by the make.
A complex perl script performs and co-ordinates the build stages. It
also executes some of the build stages in parallel. Full build itself takes aroud 7 hours. Project is build on unix,sun
solaris and NT platforms.
Question is can Ant be used for this kind project where build takes a several hours already?
ANT documentation doen't states that it can be used for C/C++ projects
and doen't provides any tasks for C++ file compilation in the latest
As ANT is designed for java based projects and uses JVM which could make

it significantly slower than it is right now. isn't it?
is anybody using the Ant for such project?
if so than what will be the effect on build time (as this is the most
important criteria for us) if we move from PVCS merant make to ANT?
Since ANT calculates the file dependencies by its own, I suspect time
overhead in doing this at each build operation. Is there any way to
cache the dependancy information in order to remove this overhead?
Please provide suggestions,
Hiren patel

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