I am sorry, I did not read your email correctly. With Java regular expressions you need to escape back slashes twice "\\\\".

- Alexey.

Chad Armstrong wrote:
Nope, I take it back, read my output wrong. Here is a little more
info. Commented sections are outputs:
<echo message="here is MSVC.Pre-Link.RESOURCE_DEF:

<!--      [echo] here is MSVC.Pre-Link.RESOURCE_DEF:
--> <script language="javascript">
      strResourceDef = project.getProperty("MSVC.Pre-Link.RESOURCE_DEF");
      strReplace = strResourceDef.replaceAll(";","\r\n");
      project.setProperty("RESOURCE_DEF_REPLACE", strReplace);
<echo message="here is RESOURCE_DEF_REPLACE: ${RESOURCE_DEF_REPLACE}" />

<!--     [echo] here is RESOURCE_DEF_REPLACE: WIN32
     [echo] NDEBUG
     [echo] _WINDOWS
     [echo] _USRDLL
     [echo] NOMINMAX
     [echo] RW_NO_STL
     [echo] _CREATE_MBS_DLL_
Still returns actual parsed newlines instead of the string "\r\n".


/ Alexey N. Solofnenko
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