Stephen Nesbitt wrote:

I'm trying to extend the the copy task and am running into a brick wall. What I am trying to do is to extend the task so that it can accept a property which contains a comma separated list of FileSet references. For example: <my:copy dir="thisDir" filesetlist="thisRef,thatRef" />. my:copy would do nothing more than parse filesetlist and call the copy task for each reference.

I thought I should be able to do something like this:

Copy newCopy = new Copy();
newCopy.setTodir(new File(thisDir));
newCopy.addFileset( (FileSet) getProject().getReference(thisRef));

This isn't working - I get a null pointer exception on line 382 of AbstractFileSet on the statement:
        p.log(getDataTypeName() + ": Setup scanner in dir " + dir
            + " with " + defaultPatterns, Project.MSG_DEBUG);

I believe it is choking on defaultPatterns.

I am undoubtedly missing something obvious, but would appreciate some guidance (and forbearance!)

question: where does this newCopy get its project to log to?

Because I dont see you passing it down, and I would centainly expect project.log() to NPE when it is null -which is exactly what appears to be happening.


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