I use Cygwin on Linux. There are few guides how to set it up:




- Alexey.

Res Pons wrote:
Thanks for the quick response. I'm not a *nix guru and so far Googling is just pointing me to a lot of products or .edu for the basic instructions of FTP. Do you know of a good site, I can read on this? Also does the certificate have to be generated on the Linux side and copied to the Windows side? Thanks again.

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I would use SSH and scp instead with certificate authentication. Also Linux (not sure about RHEL 3.5 - maybe it is too old) can work with Windows shared drives.

- Alexey.

Res Pons wrote:
OK the only remote relation my question has to do with this forum is that I use Subversion and Ant and Linux shell scripting to do my builds. Please someone either give me their expertise or point me to a forum to ask this question.

I FTP couple of files from a Linux RHEL 3.5 server to a Windows Domain and my ftp script sends my password in raw ascii text. I have no idea to send my password encrypted for Windows to understand. Any idea, suggestion, or forum I can pose this question please?


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