Hi Conor,

You had said that "<parallel> was not intended as a performance enhancer, but the ant manual says

Parallel tasks have a number of uses in an Ant build file including:

   * Taking advantage of available processing resources to reduce build

Following example was also cited in the ant manual

 <javac ...> <!-- compiler servlet code -->
 <wljspc ...> <!-- precompile JSPs -->

"This example shows two independent tasks being run to achieve better resource utilization during the build. In this instance, some servlets are being compiled in one thead and a set of JSPs is being precompiled in another."

Apart from <cc>, I have also experiment-ed using concat tasks, where there will be significant file i/o. Even then <parallel> is not at par with sequential. Any clarifications will be highly helpful.

Thank you,

Best rgds

Conor MacNeill wrote:

Any performance improvement using <parallel> will depend significantly
on what you are doing in parallel and on what hardware resources your
platform provides.

For example, the <cc> tasks could be interacting in ways you don't
expect.  Maybe these tasks block each other somehow. I have no idea.

In the end, <parallel> was not originally intended as a performance
enhancer. It was originally designed to allow you to run two operations
at once, where those operations may block without the other. The classic
example is starting a server and then running tests against that server.
These can not be performed sequentially.

If <parallel> can deliver a performance benefit, that would be nice but
it will depend on your platform.


Shree wrote:
Hi Stefan,

I tried evaluating the performance of "<parallel> task" with sequential
way doing(without using <parallel>) a set of tasks. I find <parallel>
does not help to improve the performance much and infact it sometimes
even slower than sequential(as far I had experimented with some examples).

I did several examples. One such method was -  I tried compiling c files
in 3 different folders(src1,src2,src3). The destination folder for the
created objs were different say src1->obj1, src2->obj2, src3->obj3.  I
had 3 xml files, parallel.xml, sequential.xml and template.xml.
Template.xml contains the logic for compiling cfiles.

<!- source of template.xml  -->
<project name = "template" basedir="." default = "All">
<!-- the properties are passed as parameters from main build, in this
case either parallel.xml or sequential.xml -->
  <target name = "All" depends = "create_dir">
      <cc name = "msvc" outtype = "executable" objdir = "${objdir}">
          <includepath path = "${includes}"/>
          <fileset refid = "${SrcID}"/>
    <target name = "create_dir">
      <mkdir dir = "${objdir}"/>
  </target>   </project>

Parallel.xml is the main build file that invokes the target "all" within a parallel task, so all the c-files in the 3 different folders
are compiled into objs parallely while sequential is another build file
that invokes the target "all" for each folders sequentially(without
parallel task). I expected parallel to finish faster, but found
sequential outperforming parallel most of the times.

Code snippet from parallel.xml


          <ant antfile="template.xml" inheritrefs="true">
              <property name = "SrcID" value="CSource"/>
              <property name = "includes"
              <property name = "objdir" value="${basedir}\Build1" />
                    <ant antfile="template.xml" inheritrefs="true">
              <property name = "SrcID" value="CSource2"/>
              <property name = "includes"
              <property name = "objdir" value="${basedir}\Build2" />
                    <ant antfile="template.xml" inheritrefs="true">
              <property name = "SrcID" value="CSource1"/>
              <property name = "includes"
              <property name = "objdir" value="${basedir}\Build3" />

whereas in sequential.xml I do not use <parallel> task. Comparing the
time for compiling files in sequential and parallel mode, I find using
<parallel> does not improve the performance. If one argues that there
are " no i/o or legitimate cpu wait/sleep" in the above code,  for which
- I also experimented with task that performs file i/o(Concat task) in
parallel and sequential mode, still there were no results in favor of
<parallel> task. What is wrong and where one should use "Parallel" tasks ?

Thank you,

Best regards

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