"*" is understood only by shell. I guess you would want to add "-u" option (and maybe "-p") in addition to -R. Also it maybe better to run rsync (or unison) - they can delete obsolete files.

- Alexey.

Tommy Nordgren wrote:

On 1 maj 2006, at 20.22, Eric Wood wrote:

As the on-line documentation suggests, I am using exec to copy some
files on UNIX to preserve permissions, but exec is taking my wildcard as
translating it as a literial.

I'm attemping to copy all files in a subdirectory to another directory
      cp -R * destinationDir

But the exec command seems to be quoting my * (wildcard) and returning
the following error:
     [exec] cp: *: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
     [exec] Result: 1

Here is my exec command:
      <exec executable="/usr/bin/cp" >
          <arg line="-R * ${dir.deploy.tgt}"/>

How can I get around this?

By execing a shell, (shell dependent) , passing a string to be evaluated by the shell.
With bash, the syntax is:
    <exec executable="/bin/bash">
        <arg value="-c"/>
        <arg value="/usr/bin/cp * ${dir.deploy.tgt}"/>
"Home is not where you are born, but where your heart finds peace" -
Tommy Nordgren, "The dying old crone"

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