Mary Milne wrote:
hi robert

sadly i need sgml not html. running the script with saxon on a command line is fine

ie java -cp saxon.jar:.:SGMLEmitter.jar xslt input out

don't you need something like


? I didn't know you could put the jar file there. If you can, then would you need the path set correctly? Do you have it in the same directory as the XSL?

Anyway, you could try to run the build with the -verbose flag to get more information.


(sorry haven't got the line at hand but its close enough) but now i want to invoke it from ant's xslt task and the doc seems to say the callpath att is for the xslt proc - fine - but the proc ie saxon.jar can't find SGMLEmitter.jar - hence problem.

cheers mary

Robert Koberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/05/2006 15:34:58:

Mary Milne wrote:

i'm trying to run the <xslt> task using saxon.jar - that bits fine ie <xslt classpath="${lib}/saxon.jar"..................

the problem is the xslt script has an extension to make the output
<xsl:output method="my.sgml.jar".............
This is not valid.

Why not just use method="html" with whatever? Also just set doctype-public and doctype-system to your particular values.


so the question is: how do i pass the location of this jar file to
i've tried:

1. adding it to the classpath <xslt classpath="${lib}/saxon.jar:${lib}/SGMLEmitter.jar"
2. adding a <classpath> element to <xslt>
3. adding it to the ant/lib along with saxon.jar

but.... nothing worked. any ideas greatly appreciated.

cheers mary

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